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Sunday, October 9th, 2005

Yesterday I hosted Thanksgiving for the first time, and I cooked a turkey and stuffing for the first time. It was edible. Among the people at this Thanksgiving in October were 3 Germans, 2 Swedes, 2 Danes, 1 Singaporean, 1 Chinese girl, 1 Kiwi, and another American. I’m upholding the tradition in my family of making Thanksgiving international. It was the first Thanksgiving for all of them except of course the American. They all enjoyed the holiday and most of the food, and after we all finished eating we basically collapsed in the living room area. There was a silence interrupted only by the occassional groan as someone tried to move. In otherwords, it was a success!

Side Note: Camilla and her boyfriend (both Danish) will be visiting DC for almost a week around New Year’s, and they’ll be staying at my house. After that, they go up to New York. I’d love for people to meet them, and for them to meet my American friends and family. SO EXCITED!

Free at Last

Sunday, October 2nd, 2005

Upon finishing this final essay for Maori on pre-European Polynesian navigation about 10 minutes ago, I essentially finished the semester. All I have left is turning in the paper and then four exams, one each on Oct 6, 19, 20 and Nov 4 (none of which require any better than 40%). This is a nice feeling, let me tell ya! I don’t really have academic work again until January! I’m ready to travel! South Island, here I come! Be prepared to hear about some more adventures!

Newtown/Wellington Hospital Visuals

Friday, September 30th, 2005
Photos from a 3-hour walk I took on Sunday... Where I buy my produce: Wellington Hospital: [Continue reading this entry]

Strawberry Fare and Tofu

Friday, September 30th, 2005
Camilla caught me saying deliberately with an accent not American, my accent is morphing. Should I help the process along and deliberately adopt Kiwi pronunciations, spellings and vocabulary, or should I resist? I'm making wonderful progress on a paper that isn't ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, September 25th, 2005
From the Wellington Lions v. Southland test which was won 53:12... Unfortunately they're pretty much all of the Southland team The stadium Junior Rugby in the background Junior Rugby in the background [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, September 23rd, 2005
I know most people have stopped reading my travelblog, but I figure I'll put up pictures I've taken that I haven't posted yet. Pictures I took on my walk up into Te Aro way back in July... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, September 19th, 2005
Yesterday was the first genuinely rainy day I can remember since I got to Wellington. It had always rained at night or just a few showers on and off throughout the day. And yesterday was also Camilla's birthday so we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Helen Clark

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
NZed PM Helen Clark spoke in the quad at the varsity today. (translation: New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark came to campus to speak to the students today). It was a nice change to watch politics in action from the ... [Continue reading this entry]

A Kiss on the Cheek

Sunday, August 14th, 2005
Men here don't harrass me on the street the way they do in New York City. I can go down the street here and they usually don't give me any grief at all. Last night was a funny one though. Lex, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Wellington VISUALS II

Sunday, August 7th, 2005
And some pictures I took after mum left, also the last ones I was able to get onto my disabled jumpdrive... I suppose sometime soon I should actually describe Wellington Taken ... [Continue reading this entry]