Helen Clark
NZed PM Helen Clark spoke in the quad at the varsity today. (translation: New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark came to campus to speak to the students today). It was a nice change to watch politics in action from the OUTSIDE. I was given a Labour party bracelet, and guess what it says, and how it is spelled… “Labour.” Now is that great or what? I may be on New Zealand’s news tonight! If I am, I’m behind the guys in thongs, just so you know. Their election is on Saturday (I believe) so people are getting all rialed up. I’ve been approached by party members with flyers a few time. I really want one to come to me, and start trying to get my vote so I can tell him, “My vote is only good for one of two parties, and you don’t have either one here.”
Another interesting note… my accent has been slowly changing. I definitely sound American, but I catch myself on occassion pronouncing words or using word combinations that are unusual for Americans and quite common for Kiwis. The other day I pronounced “option” like “ope-tion” instead of like the more American sounding “ah-ption.” And sometimes my “e’s” and “i’s” invert themselves, which if you’ve ever heard a Kiwi say “my head hurts,” you’d know what I was talking about.
Observation: New Zealanders don’t say “bless you” when you sneeze.
Tags: 1. Australasia, 1A. New Zealand, 1A1. North Island, 1A1a. Wellington
Which Uni was that? I know she was at Canterbury yesterday (and boy was that an interesting visit, if quick). How did the students/Ms clark herself take it? Curious 😛