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Archive for September, 2005

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Newtown/Wellington Hospital Visuals

Friday, September 30th, 2005

Photos from a 3-hour walk I took on Sunday… [read on]

Strawberry Fare and Tofu

Friday, September 30th, 2005

Camilla caught me saying deliberately with an accent not American, my accent is morphing. Should I help the process along and deliberately adopt Kiwi pronunciations, spellings and vocabulary, or should I resist?

I’m making wonderful progress on a paper that isn’t due for another four days, how unlike me. Tonight was dessert night, and four of us ladies went to Strawberry Fare (or is it Fair?) as usual. Strawberry Fare is a must if you come to Wellington! They have amazing deserts, and we are trying to taste every last one on the menu before we leave. There are only 12 left. My personal favorites so far are Chocolate Madness, and the apple and pumpkin pies (I’m American, how could I not like a good old pumpkin or apple pie?). The ice cream is indescribable so I won’t even try!

I have also discovered that my Swedish friends haven’t had tofu. They are going to have a night where they experiment with tofu. They want to try it plain so they know what it tastes like, but I’ve warned them, that’s not really the preferred way to eat tofu. I’m going to have to find out what other foods (the really good ones) these poor people from relatively homogenous countries have missed out on and cook for them. Ah, the beauty of coming from a country where every culture has come and brought it’s best cooking! See, see people, that’s one of the good things about the US!

Homesickness and Irritation

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005
I'm going to admit that I'm very mildly homesick at the moment. I'd really like to just go home right now. The fact that I have an essay on Maori navigation due Monday probably isn't helping much. But ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, September 25th, 2005
From the Wellington Lions v. Southland test which was won 53:12... Unfortunately they're pretty much all of the Southland team The stadium Junior Rugby in the background Junior Rugby in the background [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, September 23rd, 2005
Our last day on Beachcomber and our day spent in Nadi in which I managed to lose Stefanie and Jency and get a ride to the Garden of the Sleeping Giant... Where we ate our meals (Jency ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, September 23rd, 2005
I know most people have stopped reading my travelblog, but I figure I'll put up pictures I've taken that I haven't posted yet. Pictures I took on my walk up into Te Aro way back in July... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, September 19th, 2005
Yesterday was the first genuinely rainy day I can remember since I got to Wellington. It had always rained at night or just a few showers on and off throughout the day. And yesterday was also Camilla's birthday so we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Helen Clark

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
NZed PM Helen Clark spoke in the quad at the varsity today. (translation: New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark came to campus to speak to the students today). It was a nice change to watch politics in action from the ... [Continue reading this entry]

NIX on Spain next semester

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005
HUGE change of plans. I'm not going to Spain next semester, I'll be in NYC. I won't be in the US within the timeframe to apply for my visa. Don't worry it was an easy decision and ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, September 4th, 2005
-I think I ought to clarify that I am not stupid. I have streetsmarts. If I didn't have streetsmarts I would never have survived living in Manhattan or working in the heart and soul of inner city Brooklyn. ... [Continue reading this entry]