Strawberry Fare and Tofu
Camilla caught me saying deliberately with an accent not American, my accent is morphing. Should I help the process along and deliberately adopt Kiwi pronunciations, spellings and vocabulary, or should I resist?
I’m making wonderful progress on a paper that isn’t due for another four days, how unlike me. Tonight was dessert night, and four of us ladies went to Strawberry Fare (or is it Fair?) as usual. Strawberry Fare is a must if you come to Wellington! They have amazing deserts, and we are trying to taste every last one on the menu before we leave. There are only 12 left. My personal favorites so far are Chocolate Madness, and the apple and pumpkin pies (I’m American, how could I not like a good old pumpkin or apple pie?). The ice cream is indescribable so I won’t even try!
I have also discovered that my Swedish friends haven’t had tofu. They are going to have a night where they experiment with tofu. They want to try it plain so they know what it tastes like, but I’ve warned them, that’s not really the preferred way to eat tofu. I’m going to have to find out what other foods (the really good ones) these poor people from relatively homogenous countries have missed out on and cook for them. Ah, the beauty of coming from a country where every culture has come and brought it’s best cooking! See, see people, that’s one of the good things about the US!
Tags: 1. Australasia, 1A. New Zealand, 1A1. North Island, 1A1a. Wellington
Have they ever tried the basic peanut butter & jelly sandwich? You’d be surprised how few non-USers have sampled this delicasy. Let them experience the glory of something stuck to the roof of their mouth.:):)
Oh trust me, they’ve had plenty of peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches since they got here! And they love them!