Til next time Thailand!
We have lots to update you on so let me start from the begining. Me and Andy spent one final day in Koh Chang. For those of you who don’t know I met Andy in Singapore. We are both traveling in the same direction. We went to borneo together but went different directions after that and then met up in Bangkok. So for our final day we did something that I knew against all better judgement I shouldn’t do. All I could hear in the back of my mind was…”Mom always said, don’t play ball in the house.” However, mom never actually said, don’t rent motorbikes in Thailand, so I figured I was ok to do it. So we rented motorbikes and cruised around the Island. What an amazing way to see the Island. Cruising at about 40mph weaving in and out of traffic, no helmet…just kidding, I wore a helmet. It really was alot of fun. The extra day in Thailand gave me a chance to reflect on my time spent in this amazing country. Thailand really is a spectacular place. Once you get past all the hassles of being asked to buy suits, or tuk tuk rides, or prostitution you can uncover some amazing things, and no that was not a pun. I knew Thailand had pretty much given me a false sense of security as I was heading to Cambodia, a place I viewed as being one of the more difficult places I would travel to. So I hoped on a ferry to leave Koh Chang and headed that night for the border crossing which was just about an hour’s bus ride away. Here I come Cambodia…wether you like it or not.
Tags: Thailand
Free He Gets That From Me Ringtone…
Hear the ringtone of the popular song: Free He Gets That From Me …
Hello Everyone! ~Greeting from Bhutan~
Bhutan’s first ever blog at http://www.kuzuzangpo.com called ‘Bhutan Weblog – Bhutanese Perspectives in a Journal’ has interesting readings from Bhutan and information on Bhutan including the travel information and links to travel agents.