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Goodbye Asia…til we meet again!

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

After just under 3 months in SE Asia i’m preparing to board a plane to leave it all behind.  When I arrived in Singapore on the 12th of May at 4:30 in the morning I had no idea what awaited me.  I knew in the back of my mind that this would be some of the most difficult traveling I would do on my journey but didn’t know how rewarding it would be.  The people I’ve met, the relationships i’ve established, the kids i’ve farted on, the places I saw were all so much more amazing than they were in my mind.  All told I visited 7 countries in Asia.  Here is a quick wrap up of each country starting in the order I visited them.

Singapore – Hot, humid, did i mention hot?  A clean, modern city.  A nice place to welcome anyone into Asia for the first time.  Great Markets, friendly people but lacking anything cultural or entertaining.  Maybe i’d go back but only cause it would be a cheap place to fly to.

Malaysia –  All of the excitement in Malaysia lies to the east on the Island of Borneo. Still my highlight of the trip.  Scuba Diving, going into the rainforest and seeing the Orangutans will be a moment I will cherish forever.  Not many days have passed since where I haven’t thought how incredible my time was that I spent there.  I’m still thinking about when I will go back, hopefully sooner rather than later as i realistically just hit the tip of the iceberg as far as seeing all there is to see.

Brunei – ….crickets chirping….crickets chirping…tumbleweed!  I would rather get a chocolate swirly than go back to Brunei.

Thailand – I absolutely feel in love with Thailand from the moment i stepped foot into it.  Ok, it was the second step that made me fall in fell in love with it cause the first one i took landed in a pile of dog crap.  Beautiful beaches, great people, fascinating culture, prostitutes, drugs…oh wait, i dont’ know anything about the last two…i swear.  You haven’t been to SE Asia until you’ve been to Thailand.  I saw a fraction of it and I am dying to go back.  When I do will sit down and order a Chang Beer and get a bowl of Red Vegetable Curry with some steamed rice, may favorite meal in asia.  

Cambodia – Probabaly behind Borneo this was my favorite place.  If there was any place that made me appreciate what I have in life it was Cambodia. The people are amazing, and their plight is even more amazing.  From the kids selling you postcards and bracelets on the streets and at Angkor Wat to the chaos of Phnom Penh.  I wish I could have stayed longer but definitely another place I would love to go back and visit.   

Vietnam – There is so much to say about Vietnam but i’ll keep it brief.  From Ho Chi Minh in the south to Hanoi in the North and the trash an filth on the beaches.  The differences in these two cities are as much as New York and Boston.  Learning about the war and the history of these people is something that will always amaze me.  I would love to go back and would welcome the challenges that would come with it. 

Hong Kong – see post! 


So long Hong Kong!

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Before I share my thoughts on Hong Kong I want to share a message with all of you that I recieved from my brother Jeff. To me, my brother Jeff was, and i emphasize the word was, one of the smartest people I knew. He holds a masters degree from Harvard, and this fall will pursue his PHD at the University of California San Diego. To me he’ll be my brother Jeff, but soon to others he’ll be Dr. Gagnon. When I write posts he always responds with good words, however this last time was different. I honestly feel dumber after reading this in his e-mail. I’m hoping those who care about him will sit him down and get to the root of this cause quite frankly i want those 10 seconds back Jeff where I had to read what you wrote. So here it is, you tell me what you think.

Jeff Gagnon wrote: (Saturday July, 29 2006 – 10:34:18 PDT)

“Don’t forget that King Kong played ping pong with his ding dong in Hong Kong all day long so sing a song in your tongs.”

Ok, so let’s get back to reality. Hong Kong is in my opinion New York City with chinese symbols but without huge assholes, overpaid athletes, and shitty sports teams…had to put that in there.

The traffic, the pollution, the massive crowds of people are here like they are in most big cities. It is very westernized and seeing all the white guys with business suits and cell phones pinned to their ears makes you feel like you are in an american city. The Skyline is like absolutley nothing i’ve ever seen in my entire life. It stretches so far across the harborfrount of Hong Kong Island it hurts your neck trying to look at it. The best views are from the waterfront in Kowloon. There are serveral Islands that make up Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island and Kowloon being the main two, seperated by about a ten minute ferry ride. Hong Kong can definitely make ones wallet feel extremely light. Prices are right on par with what they would be in the United States. When you go from buying a beer and a meal in Vietnam for about $2, to paying upwards of $12 it is a crushing defeat. I spent most of my time walking around the city and doing some thinking. It had been a while since I’ve been on my own so the time by myself was nice.

I would like to share with you that I’ve had numerous dreams the past few nights that have absolutely scared the hell out of me. No, they weren’t of my teeth falling out, or that dream where you realize you went the whole semester without going to that one class and now you can’t graduate. They were dreams that I was home from my trip and I didn’t know why…holy crudbugglers, they are not. Now that I’m halfway through my trip the thought of coming home is becoming fairly relevant but it’s still a long way off and I don’t want to ever think it will happen.

So as for Hong Kong, i can’t imagine ever really wanting to come back. It’s a nice place to look around and shop if you have money. The culture here is lacking in my opinion. I mean, either go completely western or chinese, they seem to want to lie somewhere in the middle, maybe it’s better that way.

Hong Kong ain’t got (expletive) on me!

Saturday, July 29th, 2006
I've always wanted to say what i'm about to say.  Most of you won't get this but those that do, Jeff, Tim Flanagan I want responses. Now that I've arrived in Hong Kong i'm thinking about jumping ship and making my ... [Continue reading this entry]