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Final Thoughts on Singapore

Sunday, May 21st, 2006

I’ve been away for a while so let me catch you all up on a few things real quickly. I’d have to say that Singapore is one of the nicest cities i’ve been in so far on my trip. A very clean and modern metropolis full of exotic asian flavor. They have one of the easiest public transport systems i’ve ever used. It’s all touch screen and pretty much impossible to get on the wrong train or go in the wrong direction. They have some amazing markets. I loved walking through them. Tasting some of the fruit that i’ve never seen before was definitely a treat. The hostel i stayed at was really great. I met a few people to travel north with which has really been alot of fun. The heat wasn’t as bad as i anticipated. However the humidity is absolutely stifling. It is so oppressive it makes it hard to breath sometimes combined with the usual city smog. I only stayed in Singapore about 5 days as that was probablty all i needed. It was nice to catch up on some sleep and get some energy back. All in all i give Singapore two thumbs up with a twist.

Oh Crap-tain my Crap-tain!

Monday, May 15th, 2006

I’m certainly not much of poet. The only thing me and Henry Wadsworth have in common is our longfellows…(insert laugh track here.) However i figured this subject deserved a poem. Here goes nothing.

It’s that time of night where I start to feel

the need to go out and have a great meal

I sat down to order without hesitation

I’ll soon be invaded by an infectious nation.

As I finish my food I then start to mumble

It’s my stomach that’s churning and starting to rumble

I then got the sensation but thought what would it cost

if i pushed out to hard i’d have gambled and lost!

I staggered to my feet and looked around

but there was no toilet to be found.

I then started to run with my head held lower

I’m moved through crowds like my dad’s lawn mower.

If I can’t find one soon i’ll definitely frown

as the stain in my draws will most certainly be brown.

At last there’s a sign, hovering above

A toilet is near, someone showed me some love.

I run for the door, moving at full throttle

I’ll soon be serenaded by an empty ketchup bottle.

I quickly sit down, and scream and shout

Oh lord please it all better come out.

As my insides move out there are many reliefs

the happiest of all is probably my briefs.

As the chaos ends I wipe sweat from my brow

the odor is awful I must get out of here now.

As I walk back to the world I feel like a new man

a close call like that was not in the plan.

I’ve got to be more careful the next time I eat

or the food that I swallow will be down by my feet.

Let this be a lesson to all of you here

Oh crap-tain my craptain will mess up your rear!

I hope you enjoyed the poem. I would also like to know if anyone has any good book recommendations. I just finished my book so im looking for something else to occupy my time. I don’t want anything political. Hopefully some good fiction or some good travel writing books or something like that. Ive also posted some more photos on the other web page so go check those out as well. Bye for now!

Singapore…Woo Hoo!

Friday, May 12th, 2006
So i arrived in Singpore yesterday at about 4:30 in the A.M. I was very tired but extremely excited. I couldn't wait to walk off the plane to see what types of exotic asian shops and people would ... [Continue reading this entry]

Deep Airplane Thoughts by Brian Gagnon!

Friday, May 12th, 2006
So i had about 9 hours on the plane between Sydney and Singapore so it gave me some time to ponder a few of life's more important things: What is the meaning of life? Where do babies come from? Do extra support jockey's ... [Continue reading this entry]