BootsnAll Travel Network

Final Thoughts on Singapore

I’ve been away for a while so let me catch you all up on a few things real quickly. I’d have to say that Singapore is one of the nicest cities i’ve been in so far on my trip. A very clean and modern metropolis full of exotic asian flavor. They have one of the easiest public transport systems i’ve ever used. It’s all touch screen and pretty much impossible to get on the wrong train or go in the wrong direction. They have some amazing markets. I loved walking through them. Tasting some of the fruit that i’ve never seen before was definitely a treat. The hostel i stayed at was really great. I met a few people to travel north with which has really been alot of fun. The heat wasn’t as bad as i anticipated. However the humidity is absolutely stifling. It is so oppressive it makes it hard to breath sometimes combined with the usual city smog. I only stayed in Singapore about 5 days as that was probablty all i needed. It was nice to catch up on some sleep and get some energy back. All in all i give Singapore two thumbs up with a twist.

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