Deep Airplane Thoughts by Brian Gagnon!
Friday, May 12th, 2006So i had about 9 hours on the plane between Sydney and Singapore so it gave me some time to ponder a few of life’s more important things:
What is the meaning of life?
Where do babies come from?
Do extra support jockey’s really give extra support?
These next two i would like some feedback on if i can get some.
When bottled water lables say “bottled at the source” what does that mean? Where and what is the source? Could it not be a toilet or a faucet? Are we supposed to be impressed with this? They really do need to be more specific about the source because it could mean so many things. But let’s say we assume the source is a mountain spring, are they really out there with bottles and labels? No freaking way.
The other thought i had is about beer’s saying they hand select their hops and only use the finest ones. So what. Are there beer companies that don’t use the finest hops? Do they use lesser quality ones and they are not telling us? I think i would love to brew a beer and have my slogan be something like this, “We use the hops those other beer companies refuse to use, no hop is too bad for us.”
Ok, i’m officially losing my mind.