Goodbye Asia
Saturday, March 15th, 2008After I finished typing the blog entry, I decided on a whim to shave my head bald as I realized I have never seen myself bald and here was a good opportunity to do it. (I am on the trip to gain new experiences.) I went to a barber near the Ta Phrae gate and she worked for over a half an hour with an old fashioned razor to give my skull that smoothness that I desired. When you shave yourself bald you learn a few things about your skull that you didn’t know before. For example I have numerous scars and my head is not perfectly round on top. (If you are good, later I might even show you a picture.). Despite my head having an albino, never in the sun color, it didn’t look horrible. That task accomplished, I walked back to the hotel noticing that I was walking a bit easier and I was now so much more areodynamic. I went to bed early that night as I had to catch an early train. [read on]