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Trip Planning Set Back

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

This is a restoration of the post that was lost during the server crash. All the comments to this post were lost as well as about 120 people off the page view statistics.

I did $5400 worth of damage to my car in a wreck that was my fault As I only have liability insurance, I have to pay for the repairs myself. This is going to take a big chunck out of my trip planning money. I am probably going to have to sell the car to try to recover some of my money. I will see in the next few months depending on how much money I can save.

Travel Planning and Decision Agony Continues

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Over the last two months since I last posted, I have made considerable progress in my trip planning.

I decided to try to spend the extra month or so between China and Nepal going through Tibet. A train line to Tibet was recently opened which makes it much easier and somewhat cheaper to get to Lhasa. However I am a little disappointed that Tibet may now be overrun with tourists when I get there as I will be going in September which is peak visiting time for Tibet. Train service started in July and all the trains have been sold out. Tourism has increased so much that they have started limiting access to the Potala Palace (former home of the Dalai Lama).
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