BootsnAll Travel Network


October 10th, 2006

Hello There,

Today we made it to Hobbiton. At last. It was everything I had hoped for and more. Its so incredibly beautiful and peaceful. It is situated on a 1200 acre sheep farm and since it’s spring, there is an abundance of baby sheep.  unfortunately and sheep crap, I stopped in a huge pile, I was too busy snapping pictures, both my cameras batteries died, can you believe my luck. good thing I had a back up disposeable.  The day started rainy and dreary, we didn’t care because finally we were moving again and knew what out destination was going to be,,it was a 2 hr coach bus trip from auckland to the ranch. Through beautiful rolling emerald green hills, halfway there the sun came out and I knew it was going to be a perfect day. The Twins slept the whole way there,, I couldn’t take my eyes off the view. Everyone in our fellowship is very friendly and nice.  Its very comforting to be in the company of people who love the Rings as much as we do.  While we were entering the shire, Vic and Raewyn actually played the music, I thought it was perfect. The whole time we spent in the shire the sun was beaming down on us, it was very windy, but we didn’t mind. I can’t believe I was actually standing at the party tree or in the home of Bilbo/Frodo. I took a picture of me sitting in the spot where Gandalf and Bilbo where smoking their pipes, incredible.  It really was an incredible experience.  I’m on a computer in the hotel lobby so I can’t download pictures, but when I do they are spectacular, at least I think so, Timmy and I wore our cloaks for a couple of pics, we look like 2 Dunedin Rangers. Tomorrow Mt Doom, Mordor and Emyn Muil.Our Tour Guides,  Vic and Raewyn are very nice and informative. The Twins noticed that Vic was wearing the ONE RING , so know we call him Tom Bombadil, because the ring has no effect on him, and Raewyn is the beautiful Goldberry, His wife.  He laughed when I told him that at dinner.
ps,, The Twins went zorbing, They were the only ones to do it, and The whole Fellowship cheered and clapped for them. I was very proud!!!! I’m almost out of time so  Namarie for now.  Max


The Journey Begins

October 9th, 2006

Hello My Friends,

Today we meet our fellowship, and we are so excited, we are meeting for dinner around 6 pm in the foyer of our hotel. Tomorrow Hobbiton and the rest, I can’t wait. We had some hrs to kill today so the boys played Tennis again and I wrote out some postcards, so the first batch are on the way. I wanted to take a walk to the lake, there is a huge lake called Lake Pupuke. I knew it was somewhere near our hotel, but we couldn’t see it from our window,, so I got a map from the concierge desk and we found it,, absolutely beautiful and huge. They have a beautiful walk that goes around the lake , I don’t know how big the lake is, but on the map it looks pretty big,, We walked down to the shore and there were the most beautiful birds. They looked like black swans. I don’t know if swans could be black, but these birds had all black plummage with very red beaks, I’ve never seen the like before. You will have to trust me because I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!!! Can you believe it. I broke the first and most important LAW of traveling. I wanted to jump in front of a bus, when I realized it. And the boys didn’t want to walk back to get it. I ‘m going to sleep with the camera from now on!!!!! plus my battery charger doesn’t want to work out here,, i’ll probably have to buy a new one,, tomorrow Hobbiton, and i’ll post more pics,,,
Namarie Max


Middle Earth at Last !!!

October 7th, 2006

Hello There,,

We did it! We made it in one piece. The ride over was terrible, long and uncomfortable, but we made it through unscathed. The entire trip took 18hrs,,, 4 hrs to San Francisco, 1 hr layover and then 13 hrs across the at pacific, Timmy had no trouble either eating or sleeping, nothing fazes that kid,, Flying to SF, wasn’t too bad, they offerd prairie home companion, which I enjoyed, very funny, and then a synopsis of Battlestar Galactica, how could you beat that. The trip across the pacific is another story,, we had seats 2nd to last, by the lavatories, and we were served dead last, I wasn’t happy about that. but you had free movies,, The boys watched 2 of the 3 lord of the rings movies. I watched the lake house, of course they pulled the plug on it with 5 minutes to go,, I was pissed!!! But i’m not really complaining,, seriously. I’m just being honest and sharing with my friends.
The Hotel is beautiful, its circular, not a bad view anywhere, we have 3 picture windows at different angles so we can see north east and south. and can see the bay, with a great view of the extinct volcano, i can’t remember the name of it nor can i pronounce it. quick story, we are going thru customs, and an old lady asked me what the reason for the trip was, I replied we are going on the lord of the rings tour, she asked me if that was a play or something???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she never heard of it,, I damn near passed out, i gave her such an incredulous look i think she got scared, she almost called security. I thought everyone here, would know about the movie,,, Anyway, Vic from the tour picked us up, very nice man. Tom Bombadil. I can’t wait to tell him thats what we are calling him. The Twins noticed he was wearing THE ONE RING , I didn’t notice it. Its nice to see that he has a love for the films as well. Auckland appears to be surrounded by water, I could be wrong, but every turn we made- we saw water, very beautiful. Money is an issue,, we laugh every time I have to pay for something, because they don’t have a dollar or 2 dollar bill, they use coins,, and I can’t tell the difference, so i pay everything with 10’s and 20’s,, oh well,, thats all for now, we are here for 2 more days, they are expecting rain thru the week , I hope it doesn’t rain when we actually start the tour on monday. Tuesday is hobbiton and I really want it to be sunny. Here is a link to some beach pics we took today,, Namarie Max



October 4th, 2006

Hello There,

          Today I officially start Furlo {vacation}, Tomorrow, we leave for New Zealand, I don’t even want to go into how many hours spent in an airport or actually on the plane, too long. But everything is packed, hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything important.  Like our passports, that would be disastrous.  Make sure you come back often in the next 2 wks I will be trying to post every night and post with pictures ! Namarie  



7 More days to go

September 27th, 2006

Hello Friends,

             Just 7 more days to go. I’ve already started packing! Some travel advice. Get travel insurance. I was told by the tour operators to get it, but I didn’t know what it was. No one I knew had heard of it. But then I recieved an e-mail from my Bootsnall  friends. Recommending world travelers get travel insurance. They also sent me a link.  World Nomads  provides all kinds of travel insurance, check them out. This type of insurance, provides coverage from everything from your baggage, airline tickets, med/dental and even your electronics! I made sure I have enough insurance for me and the boys. Now that makes everything complete, except the actual trip itself! We are looking forward to meeting new friends and having the time of our lives.  Here is some good advice, if your planning on traveling, especially outside of the Usa. Get travel insurance and make sure you contact Bootsnall  . They will take care of you!!!  Namarie



System Crash-11 days to go

September 23rd, 2006

Fellow Travelers,

   A great tragedy has occurred. The system has crashed, At the main offices. Something to do with the server or some such, I dunno, beyond me. But the final result is this,, All my blogs since middle of august have been lost. My Bootsnall friends, helped me retrieve most of them thats why they are repeated here, But I did lose a couple I think. and most of the comments, that everyone kindly submitted. But thats ok, another minor bump and everything is working out, no worries Mate,




22 more days to go

September 23rd, 2006
September 13th, 2006  

Classic Tour of Middle Earth
9th October to  21st October, 2006 

ARRIVAL DAY  1:  Monday 9th October
Our venue ~The Spencer on Byron Hotel.
At around 6 p.m. this evening we gather informally in the foyer to meet for the first time as the ‘October Fellowship’  and have a meal
together (cost not included).  Time for questions and last minute
instructions in preparation for our early start tomorrow.
* The Spencer on Byron Hotel. Contact Ph:64 9-9166111. ( Room &

DAY 2 :  Tuesday 10th October.     Hobbiton !
    Be ready to depart at 8.00 a.m. ~ Auckland to Rotorua via Hobbiton.
We take a 2 hour drive south of Auckland, through rolling farmland and small towns.  Hobbiton is situated on a glorious working sheep farm . It’s Springtime, so there are lambs galore ! You will recognise the Shire immediately !  It’s a great start to our
tour of Middle-earth,  so let it enchant you !  We’ll take your photo beneath the Party Tree and at Bag End and ~  why not have a dance on the  party field !!
We spend about an hour and a half  enjoying Hobbiton and then have a light lunch at “The Shire’s Rest”, there at the farm.
    In Rotorua, later this afternoon, we’ll show you some geothermal
activity and suggest optional activities ~ such as riding the Zorb,
having a relaxing soak in hot mineral Polynesian Spa Pools and /or in
the evening a chance to experience a traditional Maori concert and meal
( Hangi ) at Tamaki Village.
*The Sudima Hotel, Rotorua . Ph:64 7 348 1174 (Breakfast included.)

DAY 3 : Wednesday 11th October.
    From Rotorua to Ohakune, via the Wai-o-tapu Mud Pools, the Huka Falls and  Lake Taupo, where we stop for ‘Second Breakfast’  ~  and again briefly to check out ‘floating rocks’  on our way to  Mt. Ruapehu and the sites of Mordor, Emyn Muil and Mt Doom.  You will see the spot where Sam and Frodo were lost amid volcanic lava flows and where they first met Gollum.
( Weather conditions on the mountain occasionally restrict us, but
hopefully ‘not this day’ ! )
    Later we’ll visit Gollum’s fishing pool, where Andy Serkis was careful
not to plunge over the waterfall !
Overnight – The Powderhorn Chateau,  Ph:64 6 385 8888  ~ where the
Stars stayed.  (Did you request a Star’s room?)  (Breakfast included.)
DAY 4 : Thursday 12th October.
Ohakune to Wellington today, with:
* a peep at the River Anduin.
* a visit to the site where the Elves are leaving Rivendell for the
West  and Arwen has her vision of Aragorn and their son.
*the  Black Rider’s Ranch  ~  meet him in person and enjoy his
hospitality. He trained the horses, taught the actors to ride and also
had several key roles in the trilogy.
Then, on to Wellington City.
Tonight we suggest dining at “The Green Parrot”- a favourite of Viggo’s.
Tonight and tomorrow night in Wellington.
* The Duxton Hotel. Ph:  64 4 4733900 (Breakfast included.)

DAY 5 :  Friday 13th October.
Our day begins with a special guest joining us at breakfast-  Daniel
Reeve, Calligrapher / Cartographer. You’ll see samples of his exquisite
work ~ and some are for sale. ( Ever had an invitation to a 111th
Birthday Party ? )
    Then it’s time to head to “ Wellywood “ and tour past Stone Street
Studios, P.J.’s new Park Road Studios, Weta Workshop  (fingers crossed that Richard Taylor might be available) and take a break at the
Chocolate Fish Cafe for Second Breakfast – a favourite Hobbit eating
place. On our way back into the city, we’ll check out the  ”Get off the
road!” site on Mt Victoria.
    From there we head to the wonderfulTe Papa Museum ( ‘We likes it don’t we Preciousss’ ) and the rest of the day is yours to explore Wellington.
If you need aqua shoes for tomorrow’s adventure, they are approx, $5 pair from ‘The Warehouse’ – the big red building opposite Te Papa Museum.
Dinner tonight ?  Perhaps “Strawberry Fare” – just up from the Embassy
Theatre where the ROTK Premiere was held.   ( We’ll tell you about it !)
* The Duxton Hotel.  Ph: 64 4 4733900 (Breakfast included.)

DAY 6 :  Saturday 14th October.
Today we visit the Elven Cloak factory  to see how the cloaks and other items are made ~ with opportunities for purchasing and photographs.
    Next it’s over the hills  to Featherston, to the tranquil Leaving
Lothlorien  site  ~ and also where Smeagol strangled Deagol  !!
Along the way we’ll check out Helms Deep and visit the Gardens of
Isengard and  also Rivendell.
    We arrive back in the city at around 4 p.m. and head for the Airport
and our 5 p.m. flight to Christchurch ( AirNZ Flight 479 ~  45 minutes duration).

~ Our North Island adventure concludes. ~

* The Copthorne Central Hotel tonight. Ph: 03 -379-5880 (Breakfast
  We have a guest joining us at dinner tonight in Christchurch.
  Brett Beattie,  Gimli’s double and stunt man.  He will have
photographs to show  you and stories to tell.  Brett is a new
‘addition’ to our tour  and we know you will really enjoy meeting him.

Our South Island adventure begins…

DAY 7:  Sunday 15th October ~ Edoras !
    Nice and early, 7-30 a.m. we’ll head for the magnificence that is
Edoras,  stopping along the way for you to purchase a picnic lunch to
enjoy in this remote area.   We recommend bringing shorts to change
into today and sturdy footwear. We have three streams to cross on our way to the summit ~  a hand towel, plus aqua shoes or footwear that will grip on river stones, will be useful !
    Later we’ll get to view Lake Tekapo & the Church of the Good Shepherd;
Lake Pukaki  and N.Z’s highest Mountain – Mt. Cook,  over 12,000 ft high.
*Overnight –  McKenzie Country Inn,  Ph: 64 3 435 0869,  at Twizel.
(Dinner and Breakfast included.)
This is a great place to study the night sky – have you seen the
Southern Cross ?

DAY 8 : Monday 16th October.
    We depart at around 8-45 a.m. for the Pelennor Fields . This area once rang to to the thunderous sound of 250 horses on the charge.  Movingon, we’ll take a comfort stop at Omarama,  stop briefly at the site of The Great Chase and then head to scenic Lake Wanaka for lunch.  After lunch we’ll take time out for you to try your archery skills – do we have a budding Legolas amongst us ?
    If Ian Brodie, author of the LOTR Guide Book,  is available we may beable to say hello while we’re in the locality. He manages The Warbirds Museum at the small airport across from the Archery.
* The Golden Gate Hotel, in Cromwell.  Ph: 64 3 445 1777 (Breakfast

DAY 9 : Tuesday 17th October.
We head out past Alexandra this morning, to the stark, dramatic 
landscape of Poolburn, where the Rohan village was burned.  We’ll find
the canyon where the leaf brooch was dropped !    ( Dwarves can be
dangerous over short distances here ! )
After lunch at The Old Bakery Cafe in Ophir, ( population 50 ), we’ll
head into Queenstown.    Time to enjoy a free afternoon in this
picturesque ski town.
*  The Novotel Gardens Hotel. Ph: 64 3 442 7750  (Breakfast included.)

DAY 10 :  Wednesday 18th October.
Queenstown to Te Anau today, with a stop along the way to buy a picnic
lunch to eat at the Mavora Lakes, where there are four LOTR sites :
+ the Orc funeral pyre,
+ Fangorn Forest,
+ the log which concealed Merry & Pippin before Frodo left the
+ and where Sam and Frodo paddled away on the next stage of their

Later, in Te Anau, you may like to take a jet boat ride down the RiverAnduin
and/or take a helicopter ride to Peter Jackson’s favourite location.
Or take an evening Glow Worm Caves Tour.
* The Te Anau Hotel & Villas.  Ph:03-249 9700 (Breakfast included.)

DAY 11:  Thursday 19th October.
( You have the option here of joining a coach trip to Milford Sound and
catching up with our group in Queenstown this evening. Vic will advise
you about this. )
    Today our group will travel to Queenstown,  via Arrowtown ~ a charming old settlement, historically significant in the gold rush days of the 1860s.
It’s also the location where Isildur was attacked by Orcs at Gladden
We’ll make Arrowtown our lunch stop, before heading  into Queenstown.

This afternoon and tomorrow you are free to pursue  optional activities:
+ There is time today to take the helicopter flight to the Ford of
+ Or perhaps a Deer Park Heights tour.
+ Or the steamer “Earnslaw” to Walter Peak Station.
+ Or that Bungy Jump you were thinking about ?
* The Novotel Gardens Hotel for the next two nights. Ph: 64 3 442 7750
(Room only – a chance to sample the many Cafes within easy walking

DAY 12: Friday 20th October.
Devote today to further optional activities and last minute shopping. 
How about
+    A 4 wheel drive tour to the Pillars of Argonath with Nomad Safaris ?
+    Dart River Stables – Horse trekking  ?
+    A Shotover jet boat ride  ?
+    etc.  etc.  etc.
Vic & Raewyn will discuss options with you and assist or advise with

Tonight, we ride the Skyline Gondola up for our Farewell Dinner at The
Skyline Restaurant ( included in tour costs).
*The Novotel Gardens Hotel. Ph: 64 3 442 7750 .

DEPARTURE DAY:  Saturday 21st October.   
Alas ~  the  Fellowship is breaking up ~ your journey through
Middle-earth with Red  Carpet Tours, is at an end.
Thank you for travelling with us  …..  there and back again…..
Haere ra  ~  Good-bye
from us all at
Red Carpet Tours.=


25 more days!!!!!!! Beyond the Moon

September 23rd, 2006

September 10th, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I can’t sleep. The thrill and the excitement are growing with each pasing day. I sit all day at work and daydream about The Shire, which isn’t a very smart thing to do at my job! About 3 nights ago, I came upon a beautiful picure of hobbiton in New Zealand. After admiring the pic for about 10 minutes, I noticed the photgrapher had many. many more pics of new Zealand. Come to find out, said photopragher Catronia, went on the Tour in October 2004! I couldn’t believe my luck, I finnally found someone to write to, who can tell me exactly, what to expect. She was there the same month we’ll be going !!!!! I wrote her, and she has been more than gracious. I hopefully have found a new friend. Her pictures are exquisite, she must be a pro. I would leave a link here, but i’m afraid my pictures wouldn’t measure up, and everyone would compare. Kidding. In her reply, she sent me a wonderful link to a website where other members of many fellowships have undertaken the journey, and where they share, their thoughts and advice. What a Godsend. Not only can I read about past experiences. I can meet new friends, who will be attending the October tour. With. Us. That is so cool! I posted a question about the wearing of costumes and recieved many replies.. Consensus is good. So if certain somebodies get good report cards in school, maybe they will get a surprise.I can say no more. I have heard a rumour about Gandalf appearing in or near Edoras, so I will have to re-think, my costume, I wouldn’t want to be upstaged!! Who am I kidding, no one can upstage me!!!!! ” There is only One Lord of The Ring!” ” And He doesn’t share Power!!!!” kidding. So heres to new friends to come. Cheers


Not Lightly do the Leaves of Lorien Fall

September 23rd, 2006

August 24th, 2006

That is one of my favorite quotes from LOTR. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are unaware of the consequences of our actions, but most times we are, I think.  I constantly preach these words  to the Boys because I’ve learned this lesson many, many times in my life, sometimes to my own regret, other times to the hurt feelings of others,, Thats all I wanted to say. Gandalf, Aragorn and Pippin will soon walk the paths of middle earth again this october, because of the unconditional love of 2 little boys, Namarie



Last Weekend of Freedom

August 17th, 2006


 Tom and I just got our passports about three days ago and I really like my picture. The look really cool. I’m a little mad because I start school next week. I’m going to the Dells this weekend with my family and my friends family. It’s Brandons first time going, but this is like my fifth time. It will be fun. thats all for now  See Ya Tim
