Language Francais
Funny Story.
Sue and I took a 6 week French course prior to our trip. We heard so many horror stories about how the French were going to treat us badly because we were American, and could not speak the language. So we thought a class might help us out. The class was a nightmare. Anyway. We land in Paris and every chance she gets, Sue tries to use her French. She spoke it perfectly. So good in fact, that they answered her in perfect French, and therein lies the problem, We could not understand them! The looks on all of our faces was priceless. Because then they had to resort to English!! I didnt bother to try. Why look foolish. but that didn’t stop Sue, she persevered. While driving in a small town, she needed to stop and use a restroom and we needed to use a telephone. We found a bar, so as she is walking towards the door, she is worried that in this small town, no one will speak english, so she is thinking to herself ” How do I ask for a public telephone in French?” “Avez vous un public telephone?” the lady behind the bar replies, ” no , but you can use the phone behind the bar.” IN PERFECT ENGLISH. We laughed for miles on that story.
Tags: France, Paris, Travel
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