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Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

Gondorian Ranger

Check out my pics,,, we have been all over the countryside-tramping to every LOTR site we can, too many things to tell here yet,I will as soon as I can, but right now its expensive to be on the internet, I’ve already paid 77 dollars for 2 hrs,,, yikes,,, what i wouldn’t do for LOTR.. 

Daniel Reeve and Brett Beattie

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

Hello from Middle -Earth,
sorry everyone for not writing sooner, but internet is very far between and when I can get it, its too expensive. Anyway, on to better things. We met the caligrapher and map maker on the films, Daniel Reeve. He designed all the artwork , books and maps and designed all the writing in the movies. Everytime you see writing, a map or a book, it was done in his hand. He created writing styles for all the characters, and can write anything you want in those hands. He kindly wrote special messages for all of us in any hand or language we wanted, i’ll try and post pics of them, plus he designed , a drum roll please , my TATTOO, yes thats right , I got a tatto the day we met Daniel and he was kind enough to design it,, I went to the same place and had the same artist who did the fellowship from the movies, it hurt like HELL!
The next day, we visited the Elven Cloak factory, yes I bought a cloak, everyone was very jealous, but its a limited edition, so much so, that they insisted on taking my name and address for their books.
Following that day we met Gimli, not John Davies, but technically his stunt double, but we call him the REAL Gimlin because he was in make up 189 days, while Davies was only in make up 30 days. If you watch the film, you can tell the difference. He was absolutely charming, Raewyn insisted he sit between the Twins all through Dinner, they were so excited. He was shy and quiet, but I think he enjoyed talking to me, with all my wild stories of crime in Chicago. We kind of dominated the evening, I think.
Edoras was rainy and freezing but Gandalf the White and Aragorn of Gondor, made it to the top, I’ll post pics when I can. AND today was Pelennor Fields, with spectacular views. We also met the Author of the LOTR guidebooks, but I’m running out of time again, and it really is too expensive to stay online much longer, check out the link to some of the pics i’ve downloading so far, Namarie Max

Bag End

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

                                                              We arrive at Bag End for Tea

The Witch King ll

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

The Witch King

I wanted to say a few more words about Chris rutten. Him and his wife Donna, were incredibly gracious to us, They opened there beautful home to us. Donna brought out their own photos albums to show us, and we had tea and cookies in her kitchen, It was a very surreal experience, almost like enjoying an afternoon with some old kiwi friends, chatting about lord of the rings. Chris was in every movie. He played The Witch King, Aragorns body and riding dble, a gondorian soldier and part of the Rohirrim. The Horse picture above was his horse Chief, He asked if I wanted a ride, but modestly reared its head and I passed. Hahahaha .  There living room and kitchen have beautiful views of the Tasman Sea and Skull Island, the island in King Kong. He told me on a clear day you could see all Mt Ruapuha, The mtn we visited the day before.

With King and Gandalf      View from the House   Picture 378.jpg

The Witch King and The River Anduin

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

Hello There From Middle Earth,
Today was a day for firsts, for us and for the tour operators, we went to a spot where the fellowship paddled down the river Anduin. Its at a place called Gravity Canyon. Its the spot where were everyone either Bungi jumps or does the flying fox. Neither of which I or the Twins participated in, It was too damn high, my spirit was willing but my legs wouldn’t walk up the side of the canyon. anyway, while a couple of people from our fellowship went up the mt, to try the flying fox, 3 cars pulled with a group of about 15 american men. While they were chatting with a few of us about the canyon. Vic our tour operator, whom we call Tom Bomabadil and his beautiful Raewyn {Goldberry} noticed a familiar face in the crowd, Andrew Adamson the Director of The shrek movies and of Narnia. What an incredible coincidence, they were scouting film locations for the next movie , Prince Caspian. I didn’t hesitate to push the Twins in his direction for a picture. he was very cordial, he was also with a man who was in the visual dept for the two towers but he was too shy for a pic,The Twins with the director of Narnia
Everyone was delighted-I was once again reminded of my favorite quote ” Not Idley do the Leaves of Lorein Fall. Had I got up the nerve to go flying down the mountain, we would have missed the Director.
We also were priveledge to meet the Witch king. what a nice man. him and his wife invited us into their home, she made us cookies, how can you beat that. Picture 378.jpg
. You can see Skull Island from his living room.
So much is happening and I’m litterally snapping pics constantly, I’m trying to upload just a few, until we get home
for now Namarie Max

Hobbiton Pics

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Some hobbiton pics, Max



Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Hello There,

Today we made it to Hobbiton. At last. It was everything I had hoped for and more. Its so incredibly beautiful and peaceful. It is situated on a 1200 acre sheep farm and since it’s spring, there is an abundance of baby sheep.  unfortunately and sheep crap, I stopped in a huge pile, I was too busy snapping pictures, both my cameras batteries died, can you believe my luck. good thing I had a back up disposeable.  The day started rainy and dreary, we didn’t care because finally we were moving again and knew what out destination was going to be,,it was a 2 hr coach bus trip from auckland to the ranch. Through beautiful rolling emerald green hills, halfway there the sun came out and I knew it was going to be a perfect day. The Twins slept the whole way there,, I couldn’t take my eyes off the view. Everyone in our fellowship is very friendly and nice.  Its very comforting to be in the company of people who love the Rings as much as we do.  While we were entering the shire, Vic and Raewyn actually played the music, I thought it was perfect. The whole time we spent in the shire the sun was beaming down on us, it was very windy, but we didn’t mind. I can’t believe I was actually standing at the party tree or in the home of Bilbo/Frodo. I took a picture of me sitting in the spot where Gandalf and Bilbo where smoking their pipes, incredible.  It really was an incredible experience.  I’m on a computer in the hotel lobby so I can’t download pictures, but when I do they are spectacular, at least I think so, Timmy and I wore our cloaks for a couple of pics, we look like 2 Dunedin Rangers. Tomorrow Mt Doom, Mordor and Emyn Muil.Our Tour Guides,  Vic and Raewyn are very nice and informative. The Twins noticed that Vic was wearing the ONE RING , so know we call him Tom Bombadil, because the ring has no effect on him, and Raewyn is the beautiful Goldberry, His wife.  He laughed when I told him that at dinner.
ps,, The Twins went zorbing, They were the only ones to do it, and The whole Fellowship cheered and clapped for them. I was very proud!!!! I’m almost out of time so  Namarie for now.  Max

Middle Earth at Last !!!

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Hello There,,

We did it! We made it in one piece. The ride over was terrible, long and uncomfortable, but we made it through unscathed. The entire trip took 18hrs,,, 4 hrs to San Francisco, 1 hr layover and then 13 hrs across the at pacific, Timmy had no trouble either eating or sleeping, nothing fazes that kid,, Flying to SF, wasn’t too bad, they offerd prairie home companion, which I enjoyed, very funny, and then a synopsis of Battlestar Galactica, how could you beat that. The trip across the pacific is another story,, we had seats 2nd to last, by the lavatories, and we were served dead last, I wasn’t happy about that. but you had free movies,, The boys watched 2 of the 3 lord of the rings movies. I watched the lake house, of course they pulled the plug on it with 5 minutes to go,, I was pissed!!! But i’m not really complaining,, seriously. I’m just being honest and sharing with my friends.
The Hotel is beautiful, its circular, not a bad view anywhere, we have 3 picture windows at different angles so we can see north east and south. and can see the bay, with a great view of the extinct volcano, i can’t remember the name of it nor can i pronounce it. quick story, we are going thru customs, and an old lady asked me what the reason for the trip was, I replied we are going on the lord of the rings tour, she asked me if that was a play or something???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she never heard of it,, I damn near passed out, i gave her such an incredulous look i think she got scared, she almost called security. I thought everyone here, would know about the movie,,, Anyway, Vic from the tour picked us up, very nice man. Tom Bombadil. I can’t wait to tell him thats what we are calling him. The Twins noticed he was wearing THE ONE RING , I didn’t notice it. Its nice to see that he has a love for the films as well. Auckland appears to be surrounded by water, I could be wrong, but every turn we made- we saw water, very beautiful. Money is an issue,, we laugh every time I have to pay for something, because they don’t have a dollar or 2 dollar bill, they use coins,, and I can’t tell the difference, so i pay everything with 10’s and 20’s,, oh well,, thats all for now, we are here for 2 more days, they are expecting rain thru the week , I hope it doesn’t rain when we actually start the tour on monday. Tuesday is hobbiton and I really want it to be sunny. Here is a link to some beach pics we took today,, Namarie Max

7 More days to go

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

Hello Friends,

             Just 7 more days to go. I’ve already started packing! Some travel advice. Get travel insurance. I was told by the tour operators to get it, but I didn’t know what it was. No one I knew had heard of it. But then I recieved an e-mail from my Bootsnall  friends. Recommending world travelers get travel insurance. They also sent me a link.  World Nomads  provides all kinds of travel insurance, check them out. This type of insurance, provides coverage from everything from your baggage, airline tickets, med/dental and even your electronics! I made sure I have enough insurance for me and the boys. Now that makes everything complete, except the actual trip itself! We are looking forward to meeting new friends and having the time of our lives.  Here is some good advice, if your planning on traveling, especially outside of the Usa. Get travel insurance and make sure you contact Bootsnall  . They will take care of you!!!  Namarie


Travel news

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

 Raewyn wrote me to ask what “Stars Room” we wanted when we stayed in The Powderhorn Chateau. Evidently the Actors stayed at this Beautiful placed while filming certain scenes from the movie,( which scenes I don’t know yet, until we get there), and if available you can stay where your favorite Character stayed. Needless to say there are three very important opinions on which room to choose.  Thomas lost out because someone got to Legolas’ room first, and Timmy lost out because Viggo (Aragorn) never stayed at the Chateau at all , prefering to stay in a fishing hut near his favorite place to fish. So by the Luck of The Istari, we are Satying in The Grey Pilgrims room, Gandalf. Now who would have thought that would happen !!!!!!  lol

