The Witch King ll
I wanted to say a few more words about Chris rutten. Him and his wife Donna, were incredibly gracious to us, They opened there beautful home to us. Donna brought out their own photos albums to show us, and we had tea and cookies in her kitchen, It was a very surreal experience, almost like enjoying an afternoon with some old kiwi friends, chatting about lord of the rings. Chris was in every movie. He played The Witch King, Aragorns body and riding dble, a gondorian soldier and part of the Rohirrim. The Horse picture above was his horse Chief, He asked if I wanted a ride, but modestly reared its head and I passed. Hahahaha . There living room and kitchen have beautiful views of the Tasman Sea and Skull Island, the island in King Kong. He told me on a clear day you could see all Mt Ruapuha, The mtn we visited the day before.
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