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Archive for May, 2006

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149: Te Anau & Glowworms

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

Left Invercargill yesterday for Te Anau in Fjordland region.
Took Scenic Route 99 along the southern coast and then inland towards Fjordland.
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148: No Mobile, No Photos

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

NZ is beautiful but also quite a few years behind in particular as far as technology is concerned.

First of all to those who try to contact me on my mobile I should point out that network coverage has been very poor on the South Island. It got considerably worse since I reached Southland (the very south of the South Island) as there is virtually no network coverage unless I am in the vicinity of a descent sized town (which does not happen too often especially if I sleep in the car).

Second there will probably be no more photo updates on flickr for a while.
I tried to upload photos from my Dunedin to Invercargill trip but failed.
Computers down here are too ancient to cope with anything other than email and I have no access to computers that support fast USB2 either. The last descent internet place was in Dunedin but further south is virtually no access to modern PCs. I don’t expect to find anything descent on my way up the west coast (maybe Queenstown but then I expected INvercargill to have descent Internet Cafes) so I reckon the next photo update won’t happen for a few weeks until I get back to Christchurch or to the North Island (Wellington)

I am seriously thinking of buying a cheap Laptop now as these pathetic computers down here are pissing me off and I just end up wasting lots of money in the internet cafes trying to use them despite their age (which means more waiting rather then using)! Grrrrrr&@$^%@$

Talking of further New Zealand travels, plans are currently rather volatile as weather is a bit unpredictable at the moment. It is getting close to winter down here and if weather turns really bad I might skip the rest of New Zealand and fly over to Australia. If weather remains acceptable then I could easily be in New Zealand for another month as it’s absolutely wonderful down here (apart from the struggle with computers;-).

147: Profound and Less So..

Friday, May 26th, 2006
This blog is to record one or two of the more unusual thoughts that go through my mind every now and then. Unusual in the sense that they are mostly out-of-context and come pretty much out of the blue which ... [Continue reading this entry]

146: Photo Update

Monday, May 22nd, 2006
I have added the remaining Photos from my Otago Peninsula Trip and also posted a few sets of japan photos, specifically from Aso, Iwakuni and Miyajima. Best way to view photos these days is by using the set page or ... [Continue reading this entry]

145: Spooky Sky

Saturday, May 20th, 2006
So you've heard about those freak accidents where people take photographs of one thing and shoot something spooky at the same time, right? I guess my sunset shot is a good example... Let's see how much you need to zoom in ... [Continue reading this entry]

144: Otago Peninsula (2)

Saturday, May 20th, 2006
Just back from my 2nd trip to Otago Peninsula. I won't blog extensively about this 2nd trip but so I don't forget what I did and where I went... Left around 9ish after breakfast (Porridge with Banana, hmm..) Genfalloch Woodland Gardens Dunedin Botanic Gardens Royal ... [Continue reading this entry]

143: Otago Peninsula (1)

Friday, May 19th, 2006
At last I was out and about again.. I went to Otago Peninsula just off Dunedin and it was a lovely wee drive.. Got pretty bored the last few days since weather was crap, rainy and rather cold, so I had ... [Continue reading this entry]

142: Oamaru, Moeraki, Katiki

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006
11/05/06 The Drive to Oamaru I left Mt Cook on the 11th of May with slightly sore legs from the hike up Mt Ollivier the day before;-) The weather wasn't all that bad, overcast but certainly no sight of the forecast heavy rain ... [Continue reading this entry]

141: Recent Blog Updates

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006
Recent blog updates: Blog 137: Banks Peninsula 2 - added Photo Links Blog 138: Route 72 to Mt Cook - added Photo Links Blog 139: Mt Cook (Brief) - added Photo Links Blog 140: Sealy Tarns and Mueller Hut ... [Continue reading this entry]

140: Sealy Tarns and Mueller Hut Hike

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006
Another backblog which I started when I just got back from a day hike up Mount Ollivier in the Mount Cook Area. 10/05/06 The day started slow as weather forecast was poor and it was pretty cloudy so visibility of and ... [Continue reading this entry]