BootsnAll Travel Network

147: Profound and Less So..

This blog is to record one or two of the more unusual thoughts that go through my mind every now and then. Unusual in the sense that they are mostly out-of-context and come pretty much out of the blue which – to me – is quite amusing at times 🙂

First and foremost: (this is the profound bit :-))

Time is relative but predictable:

If you are 36 years old, male and live a mostly healthy lifestyle you have maybe another 30-odd years of quality time left. As John Cage* would say “It troubles me!” and “Let’s all take a moment here..”

Something tells me I should start planning my life, no wait… live my life!
Easier said than done I guess ;-).

*: from Ally McBeal (Did I just admit liking this series? Ooops;-)

If you are interested to know what brought on this particular thought read on (else skip this paragraph;-)). It was thanks to my brother in law. I chatted to him briefly one Sunday morning when he had “just come back from work”, working through the night on some project. He does officially work weekdays and daylight hours but has had a pretty amazing career and lots of responsibilities now I guess so the workoholic lifestyle sort of came with the contract;-) I sometimes wish (especially for the sake of my sister and her family) a great carreer wouldn’t need to mean working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.. Of course I have not sorted out my own life and it’s obviously easier to comment on that of others but I do love my sisters and their families and naturally wish them a happy, healthy life. While it is great to have a fabulous carreer I do hope that life does not have to get short-changed as a result.. Sadly once in the traps of a high-profile carreer it is difficult not to get taken over by ambition and aspiration. Work-Life-Balance, a tricky one! (And yes I hope to have a good job myself once I get back to working.)

On completely, utterly different subjects and nothing profound here at all but rather just a few amusing notes:

Not much to mention here as I don’t often have cravings at the moment.
Food is considerably better since I left Japan and arrived in New Zealand (There’s lots of fruit here for a start which is fabulous!) though there are the very odd but rather amusing moments when completely out of the blue and without any relevant context my sense play games on me and cause memories of good old “food from home” to come up 🙂

One such incident was the other day when I was walking through a wonderful old primary forest between Dunedin and Invercargill. The forest smelled wonderful “foresty” but for a splitsecond I smelled something that reminded me of my mom’s excellent “Sauerbraten”, a German Speciality Beef Roast with a rich sweet & sour gravy (brown, not the asian sweet&sour type;-)
No idea how a Forest can stimulate “Sauerbraten” Memories but it did and it kept me amused for a while 🙂

Lazy Luxuries:
Another thing that comes to mind once in a while (apart from having the luxury of having a hot bath which is imposible inthe places where I tend to stay) is the lazy luxury of TV and Movies.

After so many months of virtually no TV or Movies I sometimes feel like having a relaxing, chillout time in a comfy sofa in front of a big telly watching some silly movie. Some of the new films that are out sound exciting and I guess I could go and watch them in the cinemas but every now and then some tune in the radio or completely out of the blue while letting my mind wander I feel like watching some of the good old movies. Naturally (since I am a SciFi fan) I would love to watch some of the Startrek series for light entertainment *haha* but proper films come to mind on occasion such as the good old Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire Films (love them:-), Mary Poppins (what a blast *grin*) or the good old Goldfinger with Sean Connery 🙂 Back to the Future (coming back to SciFi I guess) has always been on my top list of “modern time classics” so no surprise that I think about this movie a few times with a smile on my face.

The other day while thinking about what mustic I could listen to (I have a few CDs in the car), Moulin Rouge Soundtrack came to mind. Surprised? Well I think it’s a great film and the soundtrack might be good. Thinking about this movie (the recent version with Ewan Mcgregor & Nicole Kidman) which I watched a few times and quite enjoyed I concluded that it was quite an amazing artistic achievement for Baz Luhrmann (the Director) to create such a wonderfully quirky version. I shall add this film to my list of Great Movies.. 🙂

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