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Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Long, long, long ride form Koh Phi Phi to Penang, Malaysia. In reality, it was only about 10 hours, but because it was all in mini-buses a la Laos rather than the VIP busses that the rest of SE Asia has got me accustomed to mean that I was beggining to feel a little stir crazy by the time we got to Georgetown, the packpacker region of Penang.

We got here at like 21:00 local time so there’s very little that I can share with you right now. We’re staying in a place called Star Guesthouse which is clean, nice and the one-toothed man who run’s the place (he reminds me a bit of a male Nanny Ogg for all you Discworld fans out there,) is friendly and we get a full hour’s internet access for free. At $11 ish, that’s not too bad for a country notoriously more pricey than it’s neighbours.

Tonights dinner was pretty sweet, we went for an Indian, of which there are a gazillion, and for 8 quid we munched our way through a pretty big set of food. Interestingly, rather than plates, we were given large leaves to eat out of, cool, and a good enforcer of table manners being that if you put your elbows up on the table, you end up covered in curry.

Feeling much more positive here than have been previously, it’s all looking a little more like a real city and less like a collection of huts and pollution held together by street hawkers. (That’s Bangkok to you and me.)

Argh, could be time to split

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

So, decisions abound over the next few days. For 3 years Lauren and I have been inseparable (well, ignoring the 2 years I spent away at Uni in Liverpool, but there’s no need to be pernickity) and now it seems that the time has come for the twosome to split, at least for the time being.

Before I leave Asia I definitely want to trek and 100% have to do the canopy walk in Taman Nagara-  a rickety bridge leading across the jungle rooftop. Lauren, however, would rather go tubing in Vangviene again than do this, and she once threatened to kill me if I ever made her go tubing again. Therefore a temporary split is inevitable. Maybe Lauren will stay in Pananag? If anyone has any news on this rea it would be greatly appreciated, is it A-ok for lone female travelers? Obviously if not then we will have to come to some other compromise as I’m never going to leave Lauren anywhere where I don’t feel she is perfectly safe, this is part me being all macho and protective over my woman and part promise I inevitably had to make before leaving home.

So, what to do? I guess the perinthians aren’t a million miles from Taman Nagara so maybe Lauren could go there, speaking to some fella in the pub t’other day he told me it was nicer than any of the islands in Thailand. Failing that we have some friends in KL at the moment and we could meet there. Any advice no matter how trivial sounding would be massively appreciated.

Just a little thing

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
It's nice when poeple who aren't my family/Lauren's family/ trying to sell online casino's leave messages on my posts, just wanted to show my appreciation for that really. Thanks .

Koh Phi Phi- Paradise, if you know where to look

Monday, October 6th, 2008
So our change of plans lead us to Koh Phi Phi and my first impressions were... not great. It's a bit like falaraki in the center of the village. 'Geezers' in England shirts drinking cheap buckets with girls dolled up ... [Continue reading this entry]

Koh Phi Phi

Saturday, October 4th, 2008
After an easy enough 15 hours or so on busses and boats, we've made it to the mecca of the Andaman coast, Koh Phi Phi. First impressions is that it isn't a bazillion worlds away from Koh Tao, similar sorts ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bangkok, hangovers and changes of plan

Friday, October 3rd, 2008
So back in ole' Bangkok once more with the exception that in it's utilisation as a transport hub for us has failed itself this time. It seems that we cannot get to the Perinthian Islands without a ludicrous amount of ... [Continue reading this entry]

Never been more happy

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
To leave a country than I am to leave Cambodia. I'm not sure what it is, whether if I had come here 2 months ago I would have found it a wonderful place full of interesting characters. But right here, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Eating with the enemy

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008
Ate snake today, and crocodile. Made me wretch a little although contrary to popular myth it snake tastes of pork, not chicken. for anyone who doesn't know, I was so terrified of snakes pre-trip that I couldn't even look at them on ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lauren tries to spice up our relationship: Exclusive!

Monday, September 29th, 2008
After a long tour of some of the more out-of-the-way temples of Angkor yesterday, some of which were hidden gems, others were just Hadleigh Castle with humidity, Lauren and I treated ourselves to half a dozen drinks in one of ... [Continue reading this entry]

Angkor Wow

Saturday, September 27th, 2008
A slightly predictable post is coming, maybe, but essential none the less. Angkor Wat is astounding. We bought our three-day passes today, the most expensive thing we have bought in over 4 months at $40 a ticket!, and with the help ... [Continue reading this entry]