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Feeling Appreciated

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

After some good classes, I sat down with the kids for a ‘free’ lunch, I had been told it was free numerous times, and as the kids didn’t have to pay, I assumed I didn’t either because I have now been here for a week and not missed teaching in 1 class. The lunch is literally rice and some watery veg. The sort of thing you eat cos its free and for no ther reason. As I stand to go, the waitress jumps me and charges me roughly 3 times the amount of a better meal in a real restaurant…

I am literally stunned into silence, it seems that the school that we work in is barely better than the pestering taxi drivers that harass us every time we walk down the street. Just looking to spring foreigners of their cash at every opportunity.

Yes, I’m very annoyed.

It’s not self indulgence, it’s theraputic

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Ok, ok so maybe 3 blogs in 6 hours is a little gratuitous, I mean, I really don’t have that much new to say that I didn’t already say in Holy guacamole and Immortality blogs. However, I am sitting in front of my computer, about to go into the final full 24 hours of being on English soil. Not that I feel any great affinity to Englishness, made even harder now there’s no Euro 2008 team to cheer, but regardless of that I feel like something is amiss. Surely it cannot be this easy? Surely within 48 hours I won’t be setting off to the other side of the world? What was not that long ago a pipe dream couldn’t possibly be becoming a reality? Already the uber stresses of working in a minimum wage, treat-you-like-shite job as a waiter are being lifted. Could this already be the begining of the big relax?

Alright, maybe it’s a little self indulgent, but it’s a smugblog afterall.

Immortality at no cost

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
Aside from the general feeling of possible immortality that everyone under the age of thirty five feels, I can now say that, thanks to the NHS, I'm immune to a whole range of  diseases. Hep A, Diptheria, Typhoid, Tetnus, MMR, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Holy guacamole! 2 days ’till liftoff

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

The big countdown


What else to put here other than I have done what everyone else does who is planning to spend a year away from their home? My beautiful ladyfriend and I have scrimped and saved, we've penny ... [Continue reading this entry]