The Nick Issue
We’ve been staying at a really small hostel for ages now. There is an 8 bed dorm and 3 double rooms, compare that to the hostel I’m using the internet in now, something like 50 dorm rooms, or Koala’s which is a huge complex of 4 bed dorms, and the place I’m staying is more of a house than a hostel really.
So here’s the issue. We’ve been staying for absolutely ages now, much longer than anyone in the hostel’s six month history. The owner, the nicest guy in the world called Nick, is getting a little annyoed with us we think. Due to the tiny size of the place we see him every day without fail and always at very close intimate quaters, there’s no diluting us. I know that the arguement runs that we’re filling one of his rooms every night and he’s getting money, but at the same time he does constantly ask us when our leaving date is. We’ve both been too chicken to tell him that it’s not for another two weeks yet…
So now we have to live in semi-awkwardness, indeed staying in our room until half twelve today just so we didn’t have to bump into him and explain ourselves. I’m not really sure how this will resolve itself, hopefully he’ll just accept us there for another 14 days and no more will be said… we shall see…
Other than this relatively blown out of preportion piece of non-news, Noosa remains dull by any standard you care to set. Come on Guatemala, hurry up.
Tags: Australia, Noosa, Travel
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