BootsnAll Travel Network

Never been more happy

To leave a country than I am to leave Cambodia. I’m not sure what it is, whether if I had come here 2 months ago I would have found it a wonderful place full of interesting characters. But right here, right now, I can honestly say that this is the worst country I have ever visited. I can barely walk the street without wishing with all my heart that I was anywhere else. I feel like it has taken 10 years off of my life.

Rant over.

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4 responses to “Never been more happy”

  1. Graham Smith says:

    May I ask why? We’re off there next year and i’m getting worried now…

  2. mikeloken says:

    I’ve left you a (lengthy) email on your yahoo account buddy, but I wouldn’t worry too much, a quick look on other people’s blogs about the country will, I’m sure, assure you that it is a wonderful country.
    And a year is a long time to worry for! 😀

  3. Graham Smith says:

    Thanks for the info.

    I’m using the phrase “Next year” like it’s 12 months – we’re off in March, so that’ll be 6 and counting then…!

  4. mikeloken says:

    heh, that time will fire up on you. I remember when we were going from asia to Oz in 5 months, now it’s only 27 days away!

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