Bariloche, Patagonia; it’s cold now.
18 hours on the bus to Bariloche isn’t as bad as it sounds, I slept for a large portion of it and the last few hours before arrival you are passing great scenery. The weather on the other hand was shit, freezing cold and raining, couldn’t see any mountains when I arrived in town, couldn’t hardly see across the lake. Fortunately I had made a wise decision about the hostel I was out, just about as good as the last one with awesome views across the lake of the mountains (when the clouds cleared), the hostel has a bar, with amazingly good, and cheap, local beer. That was the rest of the night.
Next morning, the clouds started clearing, and I took a bus along the lake shore to do some hiking. When I got off the bus near the start of the trail, this was the view, a good start to the day.
The hike was through forest, some of which was bamboo (I didn’t know that was here!) with the occasional lookout over a lake to a mountain or two on the other side.
I hiked to Lago Escondido, or the hidden lake and ate lunch to this view before hiking back to catch the bus.
Since the weather was so great (cold but sunny) I decided to go up the Cerro Campanario chair lift to see what was apparently one of the top 10 views in the world according to national geographic (or so I was told). I was impressed anyway. Mountains, lakes and forests in just about every direction. Can’t really describe it too well, so here are some photos:
I got back into Bariloche just before sunset, and nearly froze to death taking photos down at the lake shore…
I like it here.
Tags: Argentina, Travel
This looks like the “vacation” part of this trip. Hammocks, views, peaceful and calm.
Like your hat and sweater!
Nice beard man, its one to be proud of!
Oh yes I’ve been working on it for a while now…
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Mola!! Unos muy bien dichos idearios! De verdad seria muy bueno que tu
redactaras mas escritos ademas casi todos los escritos de la blog personal es
extremadamente adecuado.
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Bariloche, Patagonia; it
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