BootsnAll Travel Network

My first rainy day

If it makes anyone feel any better, it rained today. Not a downpour, but just enough to be annoying. So, I slept in and did some laundry. Tomorrow, I have to get up at 5AM and catch a train to Wellington, the capital of NZ. It’s a 12 hour train ride but there is suppose to be some great scenery.

I was thinking that NZ is kind of like Florida. It is October, but they are heading into Summer. Christmas decorations are out but no one seems to know what to wear. I have seen so many variation of clothing, it’s hysterical. It is only in the 50s here today but the number of people in tank tops and shorts is too funny. They do dress creatively here in NZ.

I just checked on CNN and saw the news on Wilma. Good luck to you in FL! Hope it bypasses and just heads back out to the ocean.


4 Responses to “My first rainy day”

  1. Mary Laurinaitis Says:

    Hi Kristen,
    Just checked out your blog. Wish I was traveling with you, sounds like you’re having a really good time.

    We are a little worried about Wilma. Keeping our fingers and toes crossed.

    Safe travels!

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Barbie Says:


    A rainy day you say…Hmmm…must just be sympathy for us:-)

    Can’t wait to hear what you think of your train trip.


  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Barbara Thompson Says:

    Hey — Rain is pretty nice too so you can get your laundry done! I didn’t hear how you managed to fit everything–creative, I’m sure!

    We’re all waiting to hear where Wilma is going to go and trying not to worry…but hey, it’s Florida.

    Miss you a lot and it’s fun to read your blog messages. Keep us in the loop as we “visit along with you.”
    Enjoy! BT

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. Sheryl Says:

    Hey There!!

    Sounds like you have having a wonderful time. I am very happy for you!

    Can’t wait until you return. I miss your laugh and your singing.

    Take care,

  8. Posted from United States United States