BootsnAll Travel Network

Auckland to Wellington

Okay, so I took the train from Auckland to Wellington. It was a 12 hour train ride. There was some good scenery which included 3 active volcanoes-Mount Ruapehu, Mount Ngauruhue, and Mount Tongariro. Go ahead-try to pronounce them:) They make up Tongariru National Park, which is a World Heritage Site. The whole train ride was 685 kilometers-you can figure out in miles and let me know. We crossed 352 bridges (yes 352) and went through 14 tunnels. The train goes up the Raurimu Spiral onto the NZ Volcanic Plateau. That made for some interest sites. All of a sudden you can see the track below you just left. Next, we passed the White Cliffs of the Rangitikei River. I actually stood on the viewing platform of the moving train to take some photos. I know, I know at some point I will actually be able to upload them, I can feel it!!

I met a few people on the train, a Kiwi from Auckland traveling to see her son for the Labour Weekend (their holiday is Monday), a lassie from the Scottish Highlands, Marion, and a mature woman (ahem) from NY, Anne Marie. It made the time go fast. We pulled into Wellington (the capital of NZ) and it was literally 30F. Freezing and raining. Marion and I were staying at the same hostel, so we took the shuttle there. Well, we get there and I swear the guy working was on crack. His eyes were bug-eyed and he just seemed very out of it. So we pay and I bucked up an extra $3USD (for a total of $20USD) for the priviledge of my own room. When I say it was the MOST DISGUSTING room ever, it was. I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. It was gross. I slept fully clothed and shoed (is that a word?) in the bed. I took a t-shirt out of the bag and laid it over the pillow. I did not even want to open my bag in this room. Ugh. I go to the showers and was like, forget it. Before that, the weird guy practically yelled at me for not being able to find my room. Hello, just took a 12 hour train ride, walked up a big-ass hill to get to the hostel, it smells and you’re yelling at me???? Ugh. Anyway, left there and went to an Irish Pub with marion, had dinner and returned. Oh, remember I said it was cold, well there was no heat on either. So, overall, if you go to Wellington, do not stay at Rowena’s Lodge. Ugh!


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