December 14th, 2005Favorites
Country: Cambodia – Hands down!
Hotel: Best Western, Koh Samui, Thailand
Meal: Stir fried noodles with pork/vegtables, Soup Dragon Restaurant, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Least Favorites
Country: Vietnam – Hands down!
Hostel: Rowenas Lodge, Wellington, New Zealand – DISGUSTING!
Meal: “American Style Pork Fried Rice”, Thien Tung Hotel, Saigon, Vietnam -I don’t know what part of America they got the recipe from….fish sauce in it:(
Number of Countries visited: 7 (Tahiti, NZ, OZ, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Hong Kong)
Number of Books read: 8
Stars 1-4
* As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner
**** The Known World, Edward P. Jones
**** The Time Travelers Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
*** The 27th City, Jonathan Franzen
** Deception Point, Dan Brown
**** Animal Dreams, Barbar Kingsolver
**** Long Way Round, Casting Shadows Across the World, Ewan MacGreggor and Charley Boorman
* Silver Wedding, Maeve Binchey
Money Spent on Internet Usage
Most $3.50NZD/per hour in New Zealand
Least $0.75USD/per hour in South East Asia
Cheapest Meal $1.50 for pork fried rice and a coke in Cambodia
Most Expensive Meal $30.00 for pancakes in Tahiti (No, they didn’t taste like $30.00 pancakes)
Methods of Travel: 13 – Plane, train, bus, taxi, ferry, car, camel, motorbike, cyclo, tuk-tuk, longtail boat, speed boat, sampan boat
Funniest Customs Agent: New Zealand “I must be a “real good” assistant to get two months off from work:)
Least Funniest Customs Agent: Australia “Will you be checking your email while you’re here?!?!”
Lake Pukaki and Mt. Cook in New Zealand, Camel ride in Australia, Singing/Screaming Bohemian Rhapsody and Hotel California at the Angkor What? Pub in Siem Reap, Cambodia, Having the children perform their native dance at the restaurant in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Dinner at Rouen’s house in Phnom Penh, Hearing a song from “The Beach” soundtrack while walking down the street in Bangkok, $5 1-Hour Massages!!!, How friendly 99% of the people I met were
Arriving in Saigon and thinking “What the hell am I doing here”, Squat toilets in SEA, Children begging in Cambodia
Best Travel Item brought: Tissues, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer!
Most Commonly Asked Question after being asked where from: So, how do you feel about George Bush as your president?
Any other questions, just ask:)