amble * ancient * azan *
Rach writes
No rain for a few days and the heat is stifling again. We pushed our way through it to Fort Cornwallis. On every street corner and partway along each lane was an historic building of some significance, most at least 200 years old. Hindu temple, onion-domed mosque, deserted Anglican church, bustling Temple of Mercy (complete with incense-burning, bird-setting-free-ing, bell ringing, gong donging and people scurrying), Town Hall, City Hall, promenade with fishermen; every few steps something fascinating and ancient.
And now the azan resounds over rooftops – actually, it’s just one rooftop away (in other words, LOUD and clear!) The deep wail resonates, sparking discussion in our room about Who is the One True God and how He wants to save us, something not on Allah’s agenda. As the call to prayer strengthens, our dinner curry lingers, burning at the back of the throat, and another call echoes further across the city. Like dogs howling at each other in the darkness, these men’s voices are carried through the still-hot air.
I sit here wondering what reminds me to pray? Do I take note of the God-reminders sprinkled through my days? A beautiful sunset, the provision of lodgings, abundant food, loving family, a flower on the sidewalk, an awesome cave, a cool breeze, a backpack that is heavy, because I am fortunate it is full, the smiles constantly flashed at us that brighten our day, opportunities to brighten another’s day, a fan, peaceful rest, new glasses for those that wear them, crossing the road without being run over, palms outside our window….thank You God for abundant blessing.
Tags: God, history, postcard: Malaysia
what very interesting places you are seeing
So what was the guy in the ripped trousers doing? Cool photos. The remindesr for prayer is an interesting one.