BootsnAll Travel Network

Thursday: presenting TheRoadRace retrospectively

Berlin, Germany

I’ve just published all the posts for our RoadRace from Biser to Berlin.
We had Plan A as outlined on the blog.
We started driving and came up with Plan B.
Some days started with a Plan C, but we ended up creating a Plan D.
Take Tuesday, for example. The original plan was to drive from Vienna to Prague on this day. But on Monday we decided NOT to go to Vienna at all (taking the advice of friends who had told us it would take half a day just to get in to the city and another half to get out again, we elected not to make the Vienna detour and head straight on up towards Prague, so that we could spend the whole day walking round Prague on Tuesday – Plan B. Plan C was for if we encountered our third morning in a row of rain). Tuesday dawned clear, we were close to the capital and therefore arrived in time for the morning rush hour!! haha When will we learn? Having no Czech currency, we were unable to use the park and ride facilities, so we drove through the city, turned around, came back for a second look, circled again, took a wrong turning and did yet one more loop. There being no carparks (not at all surprising), we headed off to Germany, arriving before lunchtime (Plan D). What we thought of the city, you’ll need to read on to find out….

It’ll probably make most sense for the trip to be read chronologically, so to make that easy-peasy here are all the links in order.

(Please note there are only a few photos as we have lost our little camera, which the kids use – and it’s the kids who snap as we drive as the adults are usually busy driving. We lost it having NOT downloaded the photos – we’ve unpacked every single item from every single pack and know it is not currently in our possession. Hopefully, we accidentally sent it to Holland or Leipzig in one of the vans and will be able to recover it. More pictures to follow if we find it.)

Thursday…..nothing to do with the RoadRace, just our last antics in Bulgaria, previously unrecorded 

Friday: Biser to Border

Saturday: Three countries in one day (Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary)

Sunday: Budapest been and gone

Monday: Bratislava Birthday 
              (three more countries in one day: Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic)

Tuesday: winter catches us by surprise – IT SNOWS (yes, really)

Wednesday: we arrive, it’s over

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