The Trip Is *Off*
Only a week after the last post, we were writing this one.
Auckland, New Zealand
22 April 2007
The Trip Is *Off*
By Rachael
A late night followed by a bad day and we sit here thinking it’s a mad idea to take the kids up the road, let alone round the world.
But this isn’t about taking perfect children. It’s not about waiting until they’re big enough to not be an embarrassment to us or until they are pleasant enough that we enjoy being with them all the time. We don’t need to wait for them to learn to look after their things before we can give them their own backpack: in fact, perhaps seeing those less fortunate than themselves might make them more mindful of the material belongings they are not caring for now, and certainly they will have less stuff to look after on the road!
OK so it *is* a mad idea. We knew that anyway.
Then….once the kids were all in bed asleep, Rob asked, “Should we take a video camera as well as a digital?”
Maybe the trip is still on after all.
Tags: 2008/09, children, preparation
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