BootsnAll Travel Network

Snow on the Square

by an adult who thought it was pretty cool too
Beijing, China

Never mind the cultural or historical significance of standing in Tiananmen Square, facing the Forbidden City, it was SNOWING!!!!!!
So they may not have been the biggest snowflakes, and they may not have exactly (or at all) covered the ground, but they were the very first falling snowflakes our children have ever seen, their very first snow flurry.


And it was every bit as exciting as fighting for democracy.
Sometimes it’s worth letting go of your education hopes and allowing circumstances to take the lead for the day’s experiences. So we just enjoyed it, chased some soldiers round the Square and took some mediocre monument photos.


And had the ubiquitous photo-shoot.

PS It was three degrees Celsius. WOOHOO

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5 responses to “Snow on the Square”

  1. Yvette says:

    Hooray for snow! Looking forward to the first snowmen once you get a little further north. 🙂

  2. Allie says:

    Wow, it looks amazing…

  3. Fiona Taylor says:

    Here’s a solution to the $ issue. Can you imagine the photo opps if you all did a haka?!?! Maybe grandpa could collect the fee. Now, if you could find a bit of number 8 wire …

  4. Leah says:

    You live in New Zealand and the kids had never seen falling snow before?? Amazing 😉

  5. rayres says:

    Every time we’ve “been to the snow” we’ve had either brilliant blue sunshiney weather or RAIN. They thought snow was hard murky grey stuff! Great for sliding down, but not something you’d build a snowman with 😉

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