mixed emotions
Auckland, New Zealand
What we like about being home…
* books
* space
* having Grandpa with us again
* “it has a homely feel to it, which I like” ~ Kgirl10
* toys and bikes
* English
* friends
* proper bath towels
* not sharing beds
* knowing where we live
* washing machine
* going out and not feeling disoriented or getting lost
* kitchen (today was the day we started easing back into our foodie routines. We are
by no means unpacked, but we have started bread baking and yoghurt making….)
“I’m looking forward to getting into my projects that I hadn’t finished before we went away like my quilt, but at the moment it’s kinda sad being home coz you know that it’s finished. It’s strange coz I thought I was looking forward to coming home, and I *was* looking forward to coming home, but now that we’re here I wouldn’t mind being away still.”
This from the girl, who was least keen about embarking on the trip at all (Jgirl15)!
BREAD RECIPE: Romanian Potato Bread
1T active yeast
2T sugar
warm water
Dissolve all together and leave until it becomes frothy
1kg potatoes, cooked and mashed
2kg flour
1T salt
Add to the above mixture
1-1.5l water
Mix in and knead until dough is smooth
(my note: I only needed about 800ml of water)
Set aside in a covered bowl for an hour – it will rise significantly
Form into loaves (I did four)
Bake at 220*C….the recipe said for an hour, but I pulled mine out after only 40 mins.
Tags: 2008/09, children, food, postcard: New Zealand, quote
Welcome home 🙂 I look forward to reading aboutd your new adventures settling into life back home.
I have followed your family form the beginning of your blog. What an amazing journey you have had. I looked forward everyday to reading about your journey. I am sure you have mixed feeling about being home, I can tell you I will really miss reading about your adventure. Thank you for sharing your most awsome adventure.
Welcome home Rachael. How exciting to be back. I’m looking forward to catching up when I’m back in town. 🙂
Oh you are here! Welcome home. How we will miss your travels!!
Dear Rob, Rachael, Jgirl, Jboy, Kboy, Kgirl, Lboy, Mboy, Tgirl & ERgirl, Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I have looked forward to reading your blog as each new post came through and have thoroughly enjoyed following your travels. R&R – what an amazing experience you have given your children. I am so glad to hear that you have all arrived home safely and are praying for you as you settle into old/new routines.
Welcome Home
Wishing you all peace, love and happiness for the New Year.
I have enjoyed following you all on your travels around the globe. Looking forward to catching up somewhere sometime. Hope the transition back into NZ life goes smoothly. take care.
Couldn’t do this on your next entry http://blogs.bootsnall.com/kiwifamily/meaningful.html so came to this one.
Thank you for4 continuing. You are a God Given inspiration.
Coming out of lurkdom to say welcome back to New Zealand and thank you for sharing your travels with me/us. Your family is an inspiration! I look forward to reading more about how you settle back in.
Thanks also for the potato bread recipe, if you feel the urge please share any other recipes from your travels, I’d love to try them with my family.