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Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Just doing a little blog spring clean (virtual spring cleaning is so much more interesting than the bucket-of-water-and-old-rag-real-life sort!)

I’ve discovered I cannot put categories on the pages listed in my sidebar. Well, actually you CAN put them on, but they don’t show up. So you might as well not even put them on. To get round this little glitch in the system, I am going to do a post for each page – it’s going to be a veritable post-a-rama, but unfortunately saying not much at all. YET. But then *the system* will be all set up and mostly functioning how I hoped it might. It’ll just be awaiting a bit of travel so it can be inundated with content.

a Pre-Big-Trip Mini-Trial-Run Possibility

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Cheap airfares to anywhere around the country have prompted us to consider flying down to Wellington for a Capital Getaway. We’d visit Te Papa (because we *like* museums) and the Beehive (where bickering bullies aka politicians pass laws the majority of the population disagree with).
Then we’d be at the train station by 7am in time to catch the 12 hour Overlander home again, home again, jiggety jig.

It would be preparation for The Big One. Sitting on a train all day would give the kids a taste of the coming train trek from Hong Hong to London. Just a taste. And they’d get to see a bit of their own country. And practise not-getting-lost-at-the-airport. And Rob wouldn’t have to drive. And, even better still, I wouldn’t have to drive either.


The train costs almost three times as much as the plane – although, I will concede it is infinitely better value on a per minute basis. So, not only will the train take twelve times as long and cost three times as much, but children are expected to pay a full adult fare. Unless you count being able to choose not to pay for the two year old – but before you take up this exceedingly generous offer, get yourself a two year old, and an uncomfortable armchair. Place the chair a seven-metre walk from your bathroom and then sit in the chair. For 12 hours. With the two-year-old on your knee. Toilet breaks will be allowed. But, whatever you do, do not go outside. Because In Real Life, the train might leave while you’re still standing on the platform.

Should we do it? Or $ave the dollar$ for The Big One?

Important Trip Preparations

Thursday, August 30th, 2007
KL Cafe I can't imagine trying to take children who won't eat broccoli or chicken feet or whatever-they're-given round the world....ours eat anything and everything - and even *request* salad and veges (to the eternal dismay ... [Continue reading this entry]

traveller or tourist?

Friday, August 24th, 2007
I'd not really thought about it before. But it keeps cropping up in various things I've been reading. Apparently there's this divide and each side supposedly thinks it has THE answer on THE way to travel. Being a very black-n-white kind ... [Continue reading this entry]

Boots-n-all Plug

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007
Time to rave about Boots-n-all. They're a friendly bunch over on the fora....full of good ideas and just as opinionated as I am;-) Said fora are well-organised, easy to negotiate and there's something for everyone -and I mean EVERY-SINGLE-BODY. You post a question ... [Continue reading this entry]

this time it’s just a trip

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007
Remember this? Rob came home last night saying “I was in a meeting today and we were working out who to send up to China to deliver a programme next year” He had put his hand up. Of course noone thought he was ... [Continue reading this entry]

travel journals

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007
When we're away we are all going to keep a journal. The kids don't know it yet, but I've managed to pick up some nice not-too-little-but-not-too-big ones to tuck in their packs and be discovered on Christmas morning. Rob hasn't ... [Continue reading this entry]