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Climbing to O Cebreiro

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Day 8: Distance travelled 13kms. Total ascent 606m
Weather: Cold morning, another clear hot, hot afternoon. Temperature: 33+ degrees

We had been told that the walk to the summit at O Cebreiro was tough but rewarding, and it certainly was both! From Vega de Valcarce it is only just under 13km but the ascent is over 600m (according to my GPS!), which with our possibly-too-full packs we felt keenly! The walk begins with a gentle 3km climb up the valley and through some picturesque villages where there were more signs of well tended gardens, men harvesting potatoes, cattle grazing in green fields.

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After the 3km mark things get serious, with the grade increasing from Level1 to Level 4 in parts (for those familiar with cycling grade climbs – for everyone else… it was steep!). Vivid memories of the climb include the constant ringing of distant cowbells, the strong smell of well naturally fertilised fields and gardens, and the harsh contrasts of light as the sun broke through the heavily wooded canopy from time to time.

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Spain Sept 15 023

Closer to the top, the tree cover gives way and offers up fantastic vistas of the surrounding countryside. It truly is a magnificent sight, and given that many walk this part of the Camino and see nothing but mist, we feel very privileged to have crystal clear skies with almost unlimited visibility. It reminded us of the conversation the previous night with the Italian man who had walked another Camino in May of this year and had fourteen consecutive days of rain! Today we also entered into Galacia – which is also know for its changeable weather and frequent rain, neither of which we have yet encountered thankfully! We have been truly blessed with the weather we have experienced so far.

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Spain Sept 15 054

The village O Cebreiro is known for its Galacian palozzas and its 9th Century church building. The pallozas are the Spanish version of Italian trulli, and only found in this part of the country – round stone buildings with straw-thatched rooves. The church, O’Cebreiro Iglesia, in part dates back to the 9th Century and is the oldest church associated with the pilgrim way. Unfortunately, we missed the museum of ethnology which documents life in the town and the palozzas, but did enjoy looking around this quaint village.

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The other excitement of the day involved Tgirl8, who in her excitement of reaching the albergue after the walk, tripped while running to the building on the rough stone path and fell awkwardly on her arm, which immediately started to swell and was clearly very painful for her. Thankfully it just so happened a nurse from NZ that we had met earlier in the trip was passing by and confirmed our suspicions of either a severe sprained wrist and elbow, or a possible broken wrist. Kyle actually knew the Spanish work for ice so we managed to get it elevated and iced very quickly. Tomorrow will tell if we have a bus ride to the nearest medical facility or if we will be walking. Tgirl8 has been dosed with painkillers and antiflam and hopefully will get a decent night’s sleep.

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The other minor adventure of the day involved trying to find the”food shop” – which in a town of only a dozen or so buildings you would not think would be all that hard! It took us a while, and finally, having disturbed what turned out to be the storekeeper from his afternoon siesta, we found the small stone “store” which had a very limited selection for our lunch, dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast. Dinner ended up being tinned beans and sausage mixed with a jar of chickpeas. Hmmm. Basic cowboy meal – we should have been in Mexico! Still, we were thankful to find the store as we were all hungry, and the thought of having to buy dinner for all eleven of us at elevated tourist prices was too painful to contemplate except in a “real” emergency! 🙂

All in all, an eventful day!

Spain Sept 15 077

VillaFranca to Vega de Valcarce – One Week on the Camino

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

Day 7: Distance travelled 18kms. Total ascent 71m, descent 85m (level!)
Weather: Cold morning, clear hot, hot afternoon. Temperature: 33+ degrees

It is day 7 on the Camino, and as a metaphor for life’s journey there are striking parallels. Our time on The Way has been short, but full of wide ranging situations, scenery and surprises. We have been showered with hospitality, engaged in various interesting conversations with a truly international range of pilgrims, and been enchanted with most of the small Spanish towns we have wandered through. We have had hard days, and we have had easy(ier) days, at times we have been sore, and at other times we have been full of energy. We have shivered with the cold, and we have also been wilting from the heat. We have laughed together, we have been frustrated with each other, and some little ones have had the odd meltdown! The full range of emotions and physical states – all in one week!

We started this seventh day in the semi-dark, having eaten our museli, yoghurt and fruit in the pre-dawn gloom at the albergue. Today we all wore fleece jackets, some had gloves on, others had trousers that had been dug out of the bottom of packs. Others just wished we had brought gloves to wear (at the time it sounded like a good idea to leave them at home to save weight!). Our breath punctuated the pre-dawn air like frosty white exclamation marks. The first two and a half hours we walked in the shadow of the valley, the path snaking its way beside a clear but cold-looking river, past the occasional well-tended garden. Jgirl17 was so tired she walked almost in a trance for most of the morning (check out the pic below!). The cold didn’t help either, and FadaBear spent much of the first two hours warming small gloved fingers in his only-slightly-warmer (ungloved) hands! Jackets stayed on until after 10am, but the going was relatively easy so we peeled off 12kms before a morning-tea break of magdalinas (muffin-like cup cakes that are sold everywhere).

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Once the sun’s reach extended to the valley floor the temperature quickly rose, and with not a cloud to be seen we anticipated the temperature to easily reach the forecast 33 degrees. Which also meant we hoped to reach our destination of Valcarce before 2pm when temperatures would make walking just too uncomfortable. At the 12km stop we also stumbled upon a food shop so we bought four large baguettes – supposedly for lunch. However, by the 15 km mark there was no bread left – all this walking sure makes you hungry!

Spain Sept 14 007signs of the bushfires evident..

Today we also met several different people. Many groups passed us as they were obviously going all the way to the top of this uphill section, which is a 30km walk. We met people who recognise us from our questions and postings on the Camino forum, others who have stayed at Rabanal and heard about the crazy large family from New Zealand, and been told that they will soon overtake us. We met a South African lady who is on her sixth Camino. She has been tending to her sick husband and has “been through hell this year”, and is walking the Camino to refresh her spirit.  She had already covered more than 2,000kms and knew the walk would revive her. We also met a loudly encouraging American man, who was very complimentary, and could not believe that GrandpaBear is 80! An Italian man, who had spent time in NZ years back, intending to return, but had since found a wife, is extremely friendly and interested in sharing stories about the Camino – we are sharing a dorm with him and his wife, as well as a young Canadian lady, an older lady from Denmark, and an older American lady who delights in engaging the little girls in conversation. This is what the Camino is all about… the people you meet. We are starting to understand what that means!

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As we walked on, ERgirl6 started to wilt at the 15 km point, having walked strongly for the previous four hours. FadaBear was not feeling up to his piggy-back All-Black antics today, so it was with relief that we finally came upon Vega de Valcarce at just before the 18 km point. The municipal albergue is a simple and clean set up with friendly helpers. The village at Valcarce is small but pretty and has an ancient Saracin castle up on the overlooking hill. We engage in the normal routine of showers and washing – and gratefully receive the free load in the washing machine offered with instructions not to tell anyone else – later the volunteer helper also makes the children nutella sandwiches which are devoured. The supermarket is 30m down the road so lunch and dinner area easily fixed. The older children elect to cook up a huge vege and chorizo soup in a very large pot. We think we will have half a pot to give away to other hungry pilgrims, but by the end of the meal there is only one bowlful left (which does get given away!). It has been a simple, but memorable day on the Camino. What will our travels bring us tomorrow as we round the next corner? Without doubt, a different set of experiences to make our lives all the richer …. buen Camino!

Spain Sept 14 017

Spain Sept 14 020

Celebrating Cacabelos to Villafranca

Friday, September 14th, 2012
Day 6: Distance travelled 9km. Total ascent 110m Weather: Cold morning, clear hot afternoon. Temperature: 30 degrees “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey.” ~ Fitzhugh Mullan It would have been good if FatherBear had noticed the pothole…and ... [Continue reading this entry]

MamaBear writes again

Thursday, September 13th, 2012
Day 5: Distance travelled 18.7 kms. Total ascent 28m Weather: Clear morning, clear hot afternoon. Est: 28+ degrees I guess it’s only fair that I write today…it was supposed to be a short day to give our almost-blistering feet a chance to ... [Continue reading this entry]

We are real peregrinos now

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012
Day 4: Distance travelled 16.5 kms. Total ascent 28m - descent 584m Weather: Cloudy cool morning, clear hot afternoon. Est: 28+ degrees

Ponferrada (7)

It’s only been four days, but we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Rabanal to El Acebo

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012
Day 3: Distance travelled 17.5 kms. Total ascent 298m Weather: Cloudy cool morning, clear hot afternoon. Est: 28+ degrees If the Camino is all the people you meet, today was another significant milestone in our journey. The day started with an early ... [Continue reading this entry]

Santa Catalina to Rabanal

Monday, September 10th, 2012
Day 2: Distance travelled 12kms. Total ascent 178m Weather: Cloudy, light showers and warm. Est: 22-25 degrees Our second day into the Camino takes us up towards the Cruz de Ferro, although we plan to stop in Rabanal del Camino about 12 ... [Continue reading this entry]

el Camino de Santiago

Sunday, September 9th, 2012
Day 1: Distance travelled 10kms. Total ascent 48m Weather: Clear, dry and hot. Est: 28 degrees Every year, thousands of ‘pilgrims’ journey along the Way of St James, a collection of pilgrimage routes to Santiago, marked by the yellow arrow flecha amarillo. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Paris to Leon to Astorga …

Saturday, September 8th, 2012
After 18 hours on an overnight bus the brain does not allow one to craft any special literary blog entry (not that I achieve that even with a good night’s rest!)! So here are the basic facts: we left Paris ... [Continue reading this entry]

Le tour Eiffel et au revoir Paris

Friday, September 7th, 2012
What do the Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty and Budapest Station (Hungary) all have in common? You can no doubt guess - they were all designed by one man, Gustave Eiffel (he designed the metal frame for the statue ... [Continue reading this entry]