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Archive for the '2008/09' Category

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special sponsors

Monday, September 24th, 2007

Sponsorship isn’t just a big corporate affair. Some of our *sponsors* are people I feel fortunate enough to be able to call friends, people I met online, and have subsequently had the privilege of meeting face-to-face (with the exception of The Outrageous One).

travel naps/diapers

So what have sponsors got to do with cloth nappies/diapers? There are some dedicated, creative, earth-friendly, reusable-cloth-providers out there who are helping us make the message global. If we can use cloth in a Mongolian winter, surely it can’t be all that tricky!
To read more about them, please jump to this page. (Be prepared for a rollicking good yarn or four, no sermons to make you feel guilty about using disposable diapers, plastic bags and throwaway pens)

And with all that talk about diapers, I guess this would be a great place to link to the sidebar In Search of a Toilet Page.
And as toilet training is a *parenting issue*, let’s link to the On Parenting Page too.

snazzipants banner

gbeans banner 2

and here’s a spot for Helen’s ORIGINAL HANDKNITS logo when she makes one;-)


Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

I wondered why Pilgrims’ Progress was suddenly a hot destination when I hadn’t even posted anything for a couple of days. Here’s why: click me. Thanks Kristen!

Safety…..children….travel…..(you can see this post is inspired by Kristen’s own submission – thanks again Kristen!) So far we’ve travelled overseas (to Malaysia) with a seven-month-old and five and six year olds. Let me tell you, the baby is the easy one! You attach them to your body and don’t have to worry about them until they wake up.

Levi on the bus

Of course, we took precautions (we boiled all his water, permanently attached a sunhat to his head and didn’t take him into the forest as he had not taken malaria medication), but at least we couldn’t lose him! The five and six year olds were the ones we were CONSTANTLY looking out for. They had to be holding an adult’s hand unless they were granted special permission not to (like for photos!)

J&J watching our satay cook

And that is my concern for the upcoming trip. I’m not an octopus, so I don’t have enough hands to keep a hold of everyone. Neither (despite what the kids seem to believe) do I have eyes in the back of my head.
So we’ve been *in training*. Having decided Hong Kong was not the place to teach them how to stay together, for the last month or so, we’ve been buddying up whenever we’re out. A big kid holds a little kid’s hand At All Times. That way I only need to look for four pairs of children instead of sixteen legs or eight noses. Not wanting to draw any more attention to ourselves than is already inevitable, I decided against issuing headbands with blinking lights or luminous flags. And someone would be bound to lose their’s anyway, which would serve only to cause me more distress as I would think I’d lost a child, when in reality they’d only lost their head.
I did, however, wake in the middle of the night wondering about making little handcuffs wrist-bands to tie them together.

let me off this see-saw

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
Remember Rob suggested we look at going up to China for the February teaching instead of August? We had decided there just wasn't time to get organised.....sewing clothes, applying for passports, buying gear, booking flights and accomodation, getting immunisations, applying for ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, September 17th, 2007
just time to link to justJUSTICE today...and to reinstate all the links that have gone haywire....grrrr While you're waiting, take a look at this great 35-second idea (don't forget to turn the volume up)

money talks

Thursday, September 13th, 2007
This year for the first time in a very long time I didn't make my own personalised fits-me-just-right diary. I bought one. For the pictures. There is a photo of an embroidery or quilting project on half of every double ... [Continue reading this entry]

not that we’re counting

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Yesterday's little number crunching exercise made me think I could have linked to the *not that we're counting* page....but I didn't, so now we need more numbers. Did you know you will sometimes find us on the Boots-n-all blog page? ... [Continue reading this entry]

a month old

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Pilgrims' Progress is a month old. Time to celebrate! So far 798 *unique* people have visited, stopping off at 6233 pages. Now that may not sound like much in comparison to how many visitors Bill Gates or Brad Pitt get, but they have ... [Continue reading this entry]

what if?

Monday, September 10th, 2007
what if we can't find a caravan when we get to England? The European part of our trip hinges on being able to find one at a reasonable price....and a van......preferably within a few days of each other.....most likely on ... [Continue reading this entry]

BORING BOOKS (a scandalous suggestion!)

Friday, September 7th, 2007
Books may not be boring, but the titles of my online bookshelves are certainly lacking in the inspiration stakes. All of my blogs have bookshelves, and not one of them bears an interesting title. There's Garden Reads on Up ... [Continue reading this entry]

dash for cash or crash with hash….is there more to life?

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
I've been hanging round a bit on the Boots-n-all travel fora, asking my fair share of questions, occasionally having something to add to discussions. I have noticed a bit of an obsession with travel - not surprising, I suppose;-) ... [Continue reading this entry]