a month old
Pilgrims’ Progress is a month old.
Time to celebrate!
So far 798 *unique* people have visited, stopping off at 6233 pages.
Now that may not sound like much in comparison to how many visitors Bill Gates or Brad Pitt get, but they have more money than me, so it stands to reason that they will have more friends.
It has, however, got me wondering where all these people are!
So I’ve popped up a wee ClustrMap, just for the Fun Of It.
And while I’m talking about maps I can probably get away with linking my itinerary page in the sidebar to this page so that it shows up in category searches.
Tags: 2008/09, itinerary, Travel
Im sure if your cluster map is working???
your itnerary looks interesting going to be interesting keeping in touch with where you are at
Jen it takes a few days to get going.
oh ok
lol im too on to it and responsive 🙂