BootsnAll Travel Network

a little giggle

“Firstly, let me apologize for my previous letter. It wasn’t meant to go to you. Although I come from a family of 12 myself, it was, as you mentioned, a strange enquiry. I beg your pardon!”

What on earth could have prompted a message like that?
And why did it leave me giggling?

Well, I guess I was in a cheeky mood. When I had read the “previous letter” I just *knew* someone had hit SEND without checking the address. But I decided to play along. Here’s the previous letter:

“It’s almost as good as a joke!!!! Eight kids! I’d love to see how they will fit them in a dormitory.”

And here’s my reply:
Almost as good as a joke….so is that almost as good as a “YES”????
Is that permission to pursue this further closer to the time?!!”

You see, I’d emailed a number of language schools throughout Europe who are looking for teachers at the moment to see if there would be any openings for a couple with a handful of kids tagging along next academic year. I’d titled the messages “Strange enquiry”, for lack of anything more original and to ensure they wouldn’t get sent off to spamland.

The upshot is, there ARE jobs we can apply for in Turkey. And plenty of other professional standardised   unfortunately-we-are-unable-to-offer-you-a-position replies from schools who cannot get their heads around a large family squishing into a small apartment for the joy of experiencing another culture.

Somehow, the giggly reply is my favourite.



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