Kgirl10, the quiet creating one
Brasov, Romania
Even before she could talk properly, Kgirl10 was trying to work out what our food was made of. Her kitchen-interest has only grown over the years, and she is the one we turn to over and over when trying to guess at ingredients or food processes. She cooked dinner last night – a sour Romanian soup, with mamaliga balls and fresh spinach waiting in the bowls to be drowned by the soup. Oh So Good.
Following in the footsteps of her older siblings, Kgirl10 has become a creator extraordinaire. Having no “craft supplies” has not deterred her. Whenever we have found a cardboard box, she has turned it into anything from a stove to a doll’s swing or bed. When her jeans, which had been mended numerous times, were finally beyond repair, she begged to be able to make dolls’ clothing from them. Trousers, hats, bags, shirts….she’s made them all.
As a young child, Kgirl was the only one we did not have to remind to speak quietly – quite the opposite; we were constantly urging her to speak up. But though she may be *mostly* quiet (she can get very giggly when she knows someone well!), she is not without thought. When asked what she has learnt on this trip, she was predictably not the first to answer, but when space was made in the conversation for her, she had quite a comprehensive list to share.
Soon after telling us, she spontaneously put pen to paper…
(I have corrected spelling, but the words are all hers)
What Did I Learn?
How to write a bit more by journalling nearly every day and by writing letters to Mum and Dad.
That we are quite rich really. We have our own property and toys and stuff.
That money is valuable and that it does not just appear from nowhere.
That snow compresses when you squeeze it.
That water does not just appear from a tap.
That people can still be very happy even when they spend all their day working in a smelly rubbish dump in Cambodia.
That in China for noodle soup you do not use a spoon, you just slurp. (They do give you a pair of chopsticks).
That most of Asia uses squat toilets.
That motorhomes are not houses put on wheels and that they are not two storeys high with big stairs leading up to the second storey.
That elephants really are lots of fun to ride.
Bike riding in China was lots of fun.
In Mongolia we got to ride horses and play with goats and kids (baby goats) and there were lots of cows to milk 🙂
Tags: 2008/09, children, craft, learning, quote
hello k,
it’s me (missus auntie) and raych.
*LOVE* your handstand! you are perfectly symmetrical!!!
raych thinks you are “stunning”.
kiss kiss X
Each of your children is unique and wonderfully special. Don’t dare look into one’s eyes or you will fall in love. I know there are more for you to do and I’ll bet each additional one will capture me also. As I went down the page for each one, that is the one I loved best. Why do you love each of your children better than all the others? Because the child you are concentrating on at the time, you love best.
Grandpa Gene
What a change in you.Cant wait to give you a hug. ove the blog.