BootsnAll Travel Network

24 hours

by Rachael

We bounced out of bed at 5am on Monday……and crashed into new beds halfway round the world a full 24 hours later, none of us having grabbed more than a few minutes of sleep in between. Although most of the trip was uneventful and the kids were mostly better than we would have thought possible, by the last two hours, the word “ordeal” was springing to mind.
Somewhere over the Indian Ocean, while most everyone else on the plane was sitting quietly watching their personal video screen or sleeping, ER(2) woke from a much-too-short nap. We had hoped she would sleep the whole way, being the middle of the night by our internal timeclocks. But she screamed. For about an hour. There is nowhere, and I mean nowhere, to hide with a small loud child in an aircraft!
And then the second descent gave her grief with her ears and she screamed again. I’m sure the rest of the passengers were hoping we would not be continuing on to London. We sure were thankful not to be! All we had to do was catch the MRT to our “homestay”. ER needed a detour to the toilet, but didn’t make it in time. And we didn’t make it to the train platform in time either; we arrived just AFTER the final train! Not what you need at midnight, with one child who is exhausted from screaming and a second who has decided he can’t walk any further. Luckily, he decided to come with us and we blew the budget on three taxis!

So that’s the run-down on the flight, for those of you who asked! Actually, it’s just the three bad bits….the rest of the day was full of fun and excitement, bouncing through the sky, zooming along at over 900km/hr, just enjoying being on an aeroplane!

Plus Rob adds:
“By the way… if u ever go on a flight a portable gps is just the most fun a techo-guy can have on a plane.. well, short of sitting i first class I guess (and as long as you avoid the nazi-minded stewards).”

Watching the darkness chase us across Australia was fun too!

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5 responses to “24 hours”

  1. jen says:

    great shots
    poor ER

  2. nova says:

    woowwww!!! (i just KNOW this is going to be my best heart-racing blog! SO exciting!)

    i have really bad problems with my ears on take off & landing & the *best* thing i have found for it is chewing gum.. no ideal for E-R i know, but might be worth it on the way home! 😉

  3. katie says:

    oh hello Bears,
    thinking of you heaps and heaps, hoping that normal sleep is returning and you’re loving the days all together.
    love love love times ten X

  4. Heather says:

    So excited for you all. Hope you have managed to catch up on some sleep and that ER’s ears have settled. Have fun:-)

  5. rayres says:

    Don’t know if any of you readers will get this, me being so tardy at replying-n-all…..we are now on day five and finally slept to a reasonable hour (have been waking at 4am).
    Nova, we gave ER chewing gum!!!!!! Helped into Sydney, but not by Singapore. Actually she has had lots of things she wouldn’t normally get at home – sprite, milky tea, green tea, lemon tea, chocolate……

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