holiday in heaven ~ oops, I mean Holland
by Rachael, who is wondering if her knee will ever stop swelling
Stellendam, Holland
Power, flush toilets, hot showers, kitchen, a reading room (books in Dutch and Deutsch), fresh water, grey water dumping facilities, chemical toilet dumping station, sun shining, grass by our vans, heaps of space, horses in the stables, the beach apparently only a kilometre away……and, best of all, wifi….all for only 10 euros a night.
It really does seem we have ended up in heaven for the next week. We are grateful to have picked a great spot for our “holiday”.
(A few hours after writing this we would be running round battening down the hatches in the most specatcular thunderstorm ever! The lightning illuminated the whole world as if it were daytime, and the thunder rolled louder than any church bells gonging the hour).
But let’s backtrack to this morning.
The canal we overnighted next to turned out to have a series of locks a short walk upstream…and it was a busy morning. Everyone was enthralled with watching the rising and falling water, the rising and falling bridges on either side, the massive cargo ship and trail of luxurious boats winding their way up and down the waterway. It really is a fascinating process to watch, a fine way to spend a Monday morning as business-suited men ride past on bicycles on their way to work!
Then we took a little stroll….another historical old town with community spirit. A relaxing start to our quiet week (and we found a wonderful bakery with delicious bread and tasty sugar-coated apple turnovers ~ thanks for the treat Grandpa!)
And we found another stork on a roof. While this one’s nest was neither as large nor as impressive as the first one we saw, this time we had the camera…..
Time on the road: 2 1/2 hours
Distance covered: 128km
Tags: postcard: Holland, recreation, transport
For the first time I understand the whole idea of storks dropping babies down chimneys! Very instructive.