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more pictures uploaded

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

During the Christmas days and Sunday most things are closed here in Salto (in northern Uruquay across the river near the Argentinan border), so we will be uploading lot of pictures the coming days.

So check out our Flickr-webpage regularly the next days to see even more pictures of our trip in Australia (Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra) and our first South-America pictures.


in Buenos Aires en verder

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

This time in Dutch, next time it will be in English again…

Als je in Buenos Aires/Argentinië bent, zijn er een paar dingen die je echt geprobeert moet hebben.

Een ding daarvan is dat je een echte Argentijnse steak moet proberen. Dat hebben we dus ook gedaan. Bij goedkopere parilla´s (barbeque-grillrestaurantjes) kan je goed eten, en dat doen we dan ook regelmatig. Maar voor een echte steak, zijn we al was het (voor Argentijnse begrippen dan) behoorlijk over ons budget, naar een echte steak-house gegaan. 

Jannis en ik hadden met z´n tweëen een salade, wat gepofte aardappelen, een chorizo (een heel lekker Argentijns worstje) en natuurlijk een echte steak van 350 gram. Ik bestelde, maar tijdens het opnemen van de bestelling vroeg de ober een paar keer aan Jannis of hij zeker wist dat we “de kleine steak” wilde bestellen. En ik, als niet bijzonder grote vleesliefhebber, moet zeggen dat het inderdaad de lekkerste steak was die ik ooit heb gehad. Het was de ´dure´ €15,- die alles (inclusief wijn) gekost heeft, zeker waard!!

Wat iemand tevens ervaren moet hebben, als je in Buenos Aires bent, is de tango.

Er zijn verschillende tango-shows, maar daar zijn we tot op heden nog niet naar toe geweest. Een niet-toeristische show schijnt er namelijk niet te bestaan, omdat die shows uiteraard echt op toeristen zijn gericht.

Wie weet komt het er met oud & nieuw nog van, of beter nog kan ik Jannis na een paar glaasjes op oud & nieuw wel overhalen om samen een tangoles te nemen  ;-). Op straat zijn er echter vaak tango-optredens waar we regelmatig van kunnen genieten. Zo hebben we onbedoeld nog een echte Buenos Aires-ervaring gehad: zakken gerold……… Ik durf het bijna niet te vertellen, want het was erg stom! Ik had die dag een jurk aan, dus het handige heuptasdje dat ik normaal onder mijn broek of rok draag, was die dag geen optie. Dan mijn portemonnee maar in mijn handtasje meegenomen……… 

Na meerdere waarschuwingen van Jannis om goed op mijn handtasje te letten, is het in een hectisch ogenblik toch gebeurd. 🙁  Mijn Masterkaart en zo´n €40 weg, maar gelukkig had Jannis zijn pasjes apart gehouden. Jannis moeder heeft snel de Masterkaart laten blokkeren (nog bedankt daarvoor, want was het op dat moment in Nederland al midden in de nacht), dus was er uiteindelijk gelukkig niet veel aan de hand.

Een goede les en waarschuwing dat we, ondanks dat het heel gezellig en relaxt is, toch altijd nog in Zuid-Amerika zijn.

Na een paar dagen Buenos Aires zijn we de rivier naar Uruguay overgestoken.

Aan de overkant van de rivier ligt een heel leuk, koloniaal stadje, Colonia del Sacremento, een smokkelstadje dat door de Portugezen is gesticht, om dingen het Spaanse Buenos Aires binnen te smokkelen. Als iemand nog een idee nodig heeft voor een honeymoon, dan kom ik uit op Colonia, want wij vonden het zeker heel erg romantisch.

Na verwend te zijn geweest met het bruisende Buenos Aires en het lieve, romantische Colonia, viel de hoofdstad van Uruguay, Montevideo, een beetje in het niet. Het is een leuke stad (met flink wat op instorting staande monumenten), maar voor ons gevoel niet meer dan dat. 

Vandaar dat we hebben besloten om morgen door te gaan naar Salto, een stadje in het noorden van Uruguay, waar we nu dus de kerst zullen doorbrengen.

Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe dat zal zijn…..


van Oz naar Buenos Aires

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Vrienden van mij weten ondertussen wel dat ik niet zo trouw ben met contacten onderhouden (bellen, schrijven en voordat we vertrokken heb ik helaas ook niet meer met iedereen kunnen afspreken), en als ik kijk naar de verhouding tussen de stukjes die Jannis heeft geschreven tegenover de mijne, dan wordt het toch echt wel weer tijd dat ik ook weer eens wat schrijf.

Dat komt goed uit, want na onze aankomst in Buenos Aires, Argentinie, zijn we nu eerst even een paar dagen aan het bijkomen van onze jetlag en kan ik dus mooi een stukje schrijven.
Bij aankomst was de lokale tijd (13 uur) vroeger dan de tijd in Australie toen we vertrokken, dus konden we dezelfde dag opnieuw beginnen. Ons bio-ritme gaf aan dat het ondertussen een behoorlijk latertje was, maar hier was de dag pas net aan het beginnen. Na een 13-urige vlucht waarin nauwelijk geslapen hadden, een zware dag. Uiteindelijk is het gelukt om tot 20.00 wakker te blijven.

Toen we aankwamen hadden we niet veel puf meer om uitgebreid een hostel te zoeken, en kwamen terecht in een hotel in het centrum. Vandaag zijn we verhuisd naar een veel goedkoper en gezelliger Argentijns familie-hotelletje in een leuke koloniaalse wijk.

Mijn eerste indruk van Buenos Aires is die van een bruisende stad. Veel straatartiesten, muziekbandjes die lekker op straat spelen en mensen die spontaan met de muziek meedansen. Het weer is lekker dus tot ´s avonds laat is het behoorlijk druk op straat.

Vooraf had ik van de stad Buenos Aires een wat rommeligger en viezer beeld voor ogen, iets wat je sneller bij een Zuid-Amerikaanse stad verwacht. Maar de mensen/winkels die je hier (in het centrum, dat wel) ziet, zijn allemaal zeer verzorgd en superhip. Maar uiteindelijk zie je toch ook wel onverzorgde stukken in de stad en ik realiseer me ook wel dat achter de gezellige bedrijvigheid van mensen die van alles proberen te verkopen (van sieraden tot diensten zoals bloeddruk opmeten of schoenen poetsen) een groot gedeelte armoede schuilt.

Buiten deze eerste indruk kan ik nog weinig vertellen, vandaar even mijn terugblik op onze tijd in Australia:
Veel familie (weer bijkletsen met Nick&Lucienne!; ontmoeting van Jannis met Nick & Lucienne (en de rest van de familie in Australie natuurlijk); Michelle´s bruiloft; mijn ouders 40-jarige huwelijk; veel familie-bbq´s/lunches/dinertjes), veel mooie/ruige Australische natuur (Tasmanie!; veel wildlife; ruig Australisch klimaat d.w.z. veel droogte – dus altijd korte douches – maar ook juist regenstormen; watervallen; mooie uitzichten) en eindelijk weer echte Australische TimTam´s (chocoladekoekjes)

Jannis is nog druk bezig om Tasmanie foto´s op de nieuwe Flickr-webpage te kijgen, en deze site verder in te richten, maar vanwege trage verbinding hier, vordert dat wat traag.

Liefs Martine.

the Tazzie pictures are there

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

After some heavy duty uploading in Bowral (at Koos & Yvonne the night before we flew out) and in Buenos Aires, the pictures from Tasmania can also now be found at our Flickr-webpage.

Each picture even has a short description with it, so by looking at the pictures you also get an idea of what we did during our stay there.

The next post will be more about Buenos Aires as we are staying here until Friday and will then move on to Uruguay to spent Christmas there.


new Great Ocean Rd photos

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Good news.

I just uploaded a selection of our 200+ pictures from our Great Ocean Road trip we did do a month ago. See our new Flickr webpage with this address:

At this Flickr website we will publish all of our pictures.

Click on this link to view the set of our Great Ocean Road pictures.

I will try to upload the Tasmania pictures tomorrow.



from the RSL to Sinterklaas

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

We first concluded our very nice week-long stay with Peter (one of Martine’s cousins) & Merie, after we had taken a swim in their pool and after Peter had taken us to the Sydney West Head area.

This is a great area with marvellous bays, lakes, harbors, lookouts, beautifull bushfire burnt bush and even a great collection of Aboriginal rock carvings. This was really one of the highlights of our Sydney visit.

Next we then moved on to stay two days with Inge (another cousin) & Steward and visiting the lifely Manly beach area, the very nice Art Gallery and (for a second time – the changed to open up the RSL’s for everyone. A very succesfull change, since going to the RSL is very popular over here.first one was with Erica the week before) the Botanic gardens during which we spotted hundreds and hundreds of (very big) bats hanging in the trees. A really great day.

In the evening we moved on to Keith/Kees (one of Martine’s uncles) & Luz place, which included having a real Ozzie style dinner the next day. This dinner was at a special kind of restaurant which you can only find here, an:

RSL (Retired Servicemen Leage).

You can find RSL’s all over Australia and these basically are pretty big places where you can eat (pretty cheap), drink (somewhat more expensive) and do (lots of) gambling (to compensate for the cheap food). For me, it was the first time to have visited one, but all Australians regularly visit RSL’s to have dinner (and do some gambling afterwards).

All of the RSL’s originate from the First World War to provide a place where soldiers back from war can meet and talk about their experiences. Since the 1970’s the ‘supply’ of soldiers became more limited, so to prevent many RSL’s from closing, the law was After having dinner in the RSL and doing some ‘gambling’ over there to win some chocolate bars, we left Sydney last Friday to go to Canberra for a completely different chocolate experience:

a ‘Dutch’ Sinterklaas party.

After some very exiting hours preparing some ‘ last ditch’ Sinterklaas poems in English, we hopped into Nick’s (he’s Martine’s brother) & Lucienne’s car, to go to Monica (another cousin) & Andrew, to do the ‘Dutch’ Sinterklaas party.

This party was preceeded by a ‘do it you own’ Japanese Sushi dinner, and then proceeded on to eating some real Sinterklaas candies, such as speculaas, pepernoten, schuimpjes, marsepijn and chocolate cigarets. These very unhealthy candies combined very nicely with the very healty Japanese rice, vegetables and fish.Martine and I even got real ‘ Kruidvat’ chocolate letters as one of our Sinterklaas presents, so this Oz Sinterklaas party was not a bad evening at all.

After the Sinterklaas party we spent the weekend with Nick & Lucienne doing some barbequeing in the park (there are free to use electric barbeques in every Australian park) and visiting some pubs.

We are now spending the last days in Canberra doing some shopping and visiting some of the great museums here (the war museum here even has a big collection of fully restored WW2 airplanes, such as a British Lancaster bomber & a Japanese Zero fighter), before we move on to Koos/Karl (one of Martine’s uncles) & Yvonne and fly out of Sydney airport the day after, to Buenos Aires.


a Sydney chill out

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

A week ago we arrived in Sydney together with Martine’s parents via a nice a coach/bus trip from Canberra that lasted 3 hours.

We are somewhat busy now with visiting Martine’s family here and touring the city and its surroundings, so I will only give a short overview of what we’ve done here.

Last week we have been staying at Peter’s (one of Martine’s cousins) & Merrie’s place, enjoying ourselves there very much. But today we have stayed at Inge’s (another cousin) & Stuart’s, and will then move on again to Keith’s/Kees’s (uncle) & Luz’s for the last two days, until we go to Canberra again to for the Sinterklaas celebration party, this Friday. 

In the meantime we have been visiting family dinners at Keith’s & Luz’s place and again at Peter’s & Merrie’s, visiting the Fish markets with Martine’s cousins (Chris’s) wife, Erica, going out with Paul(tje) (one of Peter’s sons) & Marije (his Dutch girlfriend) and saying goodbye to Martine’s parents Henk & Willy who flew back to Schiphol yesterday.

This all seems a bit boring, but in between this all Martine’s family has taken us to some real cool spots in Sydney and its surroundings. Also we now had plenty of opportunity to live a little bit of the ‘real’ Oz life, chilling out near the (Peter’s & Merrie’s) pool and on the beach…


no Tasmania pictures yet

Saturday, November 22nd, 2008

We have arrived in Canberra last Thursday and it’s quite a nice change from the very hot Brisbane wheater.

The last days it has been around 10 (Ten!!) degrees here, which is, even for Canberra spring wheater, a little out of the ordinary. Here, it now looks more like Dutch autumn than Australian spring. I am not complaining, since I didn’t like the hot Brisbane wheater at all, and I also do like the way the city of Canberra is made up of wide tree covered lanes and many green parcs.

It will get warmer again soon as we we are going to leave Canberra for 1o days to visit Sidney and its surroundings, but no worries…

We will return to Canberra again at December 5th to celebrate the Dutch Sinterklaas ‘birthday-party’ here, with Martine’s brother Nick and cousine Monica who both live here. Thereafter we will have a full week left to explore the area around Canberra, before we are going to fly out of Australia to Buenos Aires to begin our 5-month South-America trip.

Since we changed our schedule a bit (we originally had planned to stay in Canberra until December 5th and move to Sidney thereafter), we still have not been able to upload our pictures from our Great Ocean Road and Tasmania visits. This will have to wait another week, but I promise the pictures are worth waiting for.

In the meantime we will keep you updated of our whereabouts.


some Queensland parties

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

We arrived last Thursday at the approximately 60 acre place (about 15 hectare in Dutch measurements) one of Martine’s uncles – Aad.

This place is as big as my fathers’ organic farm, but the difference is Aad is not doing any active farming here, but is only staying here to have a very good life, but in full balance with the environment. The only thing he ‘farms’ is original Australian tree races, to revegetate the Brisbane area again with native Australian trees (as it was untill 200 years ago).

One of the reasons we are here is, that Aad had a big party Saturday at his place to celebrate he is turning 80 years old. The wheater just turned in the weekend (it had been raining the week before)  so it was the perfect weekend here for a big party. Lots of people gathered here this weekend, including Martine’s brother Nick and Martine’s parents.

That was just as well since we could then also celebrate the fact that Martine’s parents have been married for 40 years this week.

Apart from the big celebration party in the weekend we recelebrated their 40 year marriage in a somewhat more cosy setting by staying over in Brisbane city with the six of us: the two of us, Martine’s brother Nick and his wife Lucienne and of course Martine’s parents themselves: Henk and Willy.

During our 80 km drive from Aad’s place to Brisbane city, the 35 degrees (very) hot wheater (very common here) turned into a big thundestorm which completeley disrupted the whole Brisbane area with falling trees, floodings, drowned cars and even people. Except for some delays due to this wheater, we arrived without any problems in Brisbane city and had a great evening accompanied by some drinks, pizza’s and wedges. Next day we visited the mignificant Brisbane Art Gallery before Nick and Lucienne had to return for their flight to Canberra where they live and (now and then) work.   

Today we have visited some more of Martine’s family who live around here: aunt Wicca, her mother Miena and Martine’s cousin Stof with his wife and kids. 

Tomorrow we will be probably doing something like that, as it will be raining (and maybe even thunderstorming) again here tomorrow. Rain was something we had not expected here, as heavy spring rain such as happening this week is pretty unusual here, so I think we are maybe experiencing some of the Global Warming effects….

I am now writing on a very slow internet connection in the country side, so the posting of the pictures from our Great Ocean Road and Tasmian trips, will have to wait until we have arrived in Canberra at the end of this week. See you then.


cliffs at Oz’s coasts

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

We are now in Tasmania for 9 days, and today we have found the first spot where you can properly access the internet, so here is the next (pretty long) post.

There are not going to be any pictures this time, since we are on a pretty tight schedule over here. 

Tasmania is about four times as big as Holland, with only about half a million inhabitants, so we had to adjust somewhat to the way everything works over here. Even compared to other not so densly populated areas we have been, the Gold Rush Area and the Grampians mountains, everything in Tasmania is at least a 3 hour drive away and closes at 19.00 hrs: the petrol stations, restaurants, hotels and motels. The only stores still open after 7 o’clock are the so called bottle shops, where they only sell alcoholic drinks. It seems to be very important here, to keep everybody supplied for 24 hours a day with a proper amount of alcohol.

That said, Tasmania is at least as cool as everything I have have been to before. One exception to this is maybe the Great Ocean Road area we vistited just before we left for Tasmania.

Now about Great Ocean Road: this road has been built in the 1920’s as a Governmental unemployments project, and runs along Australia’s southern coastline. As Tasmania, it is also a very cool and not so densly populated area where all the shops and petrol stations also seem to close around 7 o’clock.

Along the Great Ocean Road we first spent the night in the Koroit village where we visited the little Tower Island park, seeing lots of kangeroos, some emu’s and even a koala bear that was doing a walk around our car. The koala was especially very great, since even Martine never has seen one so active and so close by.

Next day we drove on along on to the Bay of Islands cliffs, the first of the Great Ocean Road cliff formations and watched them at sunset. We spend the night there in a charming bed & breakfast, which even included a night visit by a possum.

After a good night rest and a very good breakfast we drove on to visit the various cliffs, gorges, caves, arches and blow holes in the Port Campell area. The blow holes are the most spectacular over there, since these are very (some 100 meter) deep underground holes in the rocks, generating a big ‘blow’ bang everytime, a wave of the ocean enters the underground hole. The big ‘blow’ sound is generated when the water crushes the air in the underground hole together.

The last visit of that day was the famous twelve apostals rock formation. We visited them at sunset, since we had gotten a tip that you could see penguins going ashore in the evening. We were very lucky, since we didn’t only see hundreds of penguins going ashore, but also saw the twelve apostals rocks covered in a misty Scottish/Irish like setting at sunset, as you can see in this picture:

 the 12 Apostols rock formation, on a rainy evening.

After having a short night sleep in a very ‘ basic’ very cheap cabin, we moved on the next day on to yet another different area of Great Ocean Road with ecalyptus tree covered cliffs, white beaches and three more koala bears (sleeping – they sleep 20 hours a day), untill we arrived in Lorne, the surf city. Over there we found out we only had to deliver our car back the next morning, so we still had some time to visit a part of the rainforest over there, with a very beautifull waterfall in between the palm trees, as you can see here:

 waterfall area near Lorne covered in palm trees

The last night at the ‘mainland’ we stayed in a pretty basic but very expensive room in Melbourne, as that Tuesday the Melbourne cup took place (called ‘the race that stops the nation’ over here since all of Australia stops working to watch this horse race). Next day we moved to the airport to catch our short flight to Lauceston airport in Tasmania.

When being in Tasmania we have seen lots of green hill covered sceneries, mountain lookouts looking out over white sand beaches, two 100 meter deep waterfalls, a couple of very cool black cacatoo’s, lots of echidna’s crossing the road and even two snakes (one probably a tiger snake).

The much adviced Bay of Fires which is advertised as one of the highlights, was a bit of a disappointment. You really can spent your time better in Tasmania than to visit some of the nice Bay of Fires beaches.

Driving around the island was better, where you tend to see a lot of animals. Four days ago we went on a night drive, on a non paved road to the Port Arthur town to be in time for our ECO boat cruise the next morning. During this 45 minutes drive we just avoided crushing lots of kangeroos, saw a brush tailed possom and a couple of almost extinct quolls.

The next day we did the 3 hour ECO cruise, cruising on a fast catamaran boat, seeing lots of seals, albatrosses and other birds, cruising underneath 300 meter tall cliffs and even entering some of the caves with the small catamaran boat. This really was the highlight of the past weeks, since this comes down to doing a Great Ocean Road trip, but doing it from the water side, which is even more spectacular, as you can enter some caves, cruise alongside the cliffs and even get to see lots of seals, birds and a little blue penguin.

Yesterday we visited the Cradle moutain national park to conclude our Tasmania visit and to fly back to the mainland again, but now to Brisbane on the east coast.

Next time we will show you some photo’s of our Great Ocean Road and Tasmania visits.


rijden in Oz or driving

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Zoals we al eerder genoemd hebben, hebben we een aantal weken een auto gehuurd.

Omdat Jannis voor vertrek zijn arm gebroken had, en daarom natuurlijk voorzichtig met zijn arm wil zijn, heb ik tot nu toe steeds gereden.

Op zich is dat tot nu toe goed gegaan, want ik heb nog maar 1 keer “spookgereden”. Wel is het zo dat iedere keer als ik af moet slaan, ik de ruitenwissers aanzet. En als het gaat regenen, begin ik onbedoeld met groot licht te seinen. Net als dat ze hier links in plaats van recht rijden en het stuur en de schakelpook “aan de verkeerde kant zitten”, zijn ook de ruitenwisser en richtingaanwijzer omgewisseld.

Maar we zijn in ieder geval nog (ondanks dat we veel kangaroes, wallibies en possums hebben moeten ontwijken) schadevrij!!  

Aangezien we nu op Tasmanie zijn, en dat een zeer dunbevolkt eiland is, is het wegenstelsel hier minder goed en zijn er bovendien veel zandwegen. Deze zandwegen zijn vaak erg hobbelig en vol met grote (!) gaten. Nu zijn we erachter gekomen dat je juist hard moet rijden om hier zo min mogelijk last van te hebben. Omdat die grote gaten vaak net voor de bocht zitten, is dat iets waar ik niet erg blij mee ben………….

Gelukkig gaat het met Jannis’ arm erg goed. Niet alleen omdat we blij zijn dat zijn arm goed opknapt, maar ook omdat Jannis nu ook kan rijden!! Hij weet gelukkig wel raad met bobbelige wegen en vind het juist leuk hier als een coureur door te maneuvreren.

Nog twee dagen voordat we de auto moeten inleveren, dus (even afkloppen) dat moet wel gaan lukken!

Liefs Martine

the Grampians’ pictures

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Here are some of pictures of our vist to the Grampians natural park, as described in the previous post. 

But, before moving on to that that, first two more pictures from our visit in the gold rush surrounds, with Martine in miner’s gear in the Bendigo mine (in case you hadn’t noticed it in th previous posts) and a nice view of the Vaughan Springs park, which we visited before me moved on to the Grampians area.

Here are our pictures from the three days we visited the Grampains natural park, starting with a typical view of the landscape and first views at a lookout of the Grampians area, before we moved for some walks into the mountains itself, to get views of:

the many old volcanic lava fields by doing a 5 km walk to get to the Pinnacle lookout,

many burnt trees up to the way up to the Balconnees lookout, as the whole area was burnt down 2 years ago by a very big bushfire,

and lots of typical Australian gras trees (it needs fire to grow – it only grows a little bit every time after the top (‘gras’) of the tree has been burnt down by a fire) to the McKenzie falls.

After we had visited the Halls Gap Aboriginal Centre we moved on to the coast, visting a very nice extinct volcanic crater near Pensherst village, before moving on to stay in a Irish style hotel in Koroit – a village raised by Irish immigrants.

On the advice of the hotel owner, we visited the Tower Hill natural park in the evening before going to sleep. On vistiting the park we were suprised to see that we Koroit is located very close to the coast and then we were suprised to see groups of kangeroos close by, emu’s and even a walking (!) koala changing trees before nightfall.

This was a very good start for our Great Ocean Road drive, which we wold start the next day.

Here a preview of what we have seen at Great Ocean Road trip, with our best picture, yet:

the 12 Apostols rock formation, on a rainy evening…


about Oz food and people

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Now something about the Oz food, animals, people and politics…

The last day in Bendigo (the town we did the gold mine tour Martine wrote about) ended with a not so good experience with Australian food. We had some pasta and pizza which was pretty expensive and real bad. This differed from my previous food experiences in Ballarat and most of the other gold mining towns, but I think the Bendigo food was bad, since:

    1. it was Italian food prepared by non Italian people; this seems to happen a lot over here, resulting in a strange blend of English style prepared English pastas,

    2. the big ‘Clogs’ restaurant we ate at, is owned by a Dutchie who probably just used lots of cheap ingredients, to earn as much money as he could.

After the Bendigo food experience we tried an Italian type of restaurant one more time in the Castlemain town where we staid in a cabin for a couple of days. There we had a slightly less bad experience with English style cooked pasta, but after eating this we  immediatly left Castlemain for a visit to the Grapians mountains, and probably will now only eat self made food or the very (very) tasty Azian food.

On the way to the Grampains we found a cheap hotel in the tiny village of Elmhurst where we had a pretty long discussion with the hotels’ owner about the cause of Global Warming and other stuff. The hotel owner didn’t believe in any connection between Global Warming and the current way of living. I have learned a lot from him, since I got a pretty good insight into the kind of people that brought the anti Kyoto Howard government to power.

We also had a good talk with a sheep farmer (who was much more laid back and logical) who explained something about the type of sheep farms they have over here, together with lots of snakes and posoineous spiders. He has some 1200 sheep, 300 bulls and some snakes on 1600 acres of pretty dried out land. The sheep don’t get bitten much by snakes, since a snake can sit for a week in a small spot waiting for prey, and will only move to flee if he feels the vibrations of a big animal or human coming his way. Dogs do get bitten very often, since they tend to run very fast and a snake has no time to move out of the way.

The next day we moved out to Halls Gap which is a cluster of campsides and hostels in the middle of the Grampians area.

Here we stayed in a cabin surrounded by hundreds of kangeroos, have done some great walks into the mountains and visited the Brambuk Aboriginal centre, since the Aboriginal people have lived in the Grampains for more than 40.000 years. 

In the next post we will show some great pictures of our mountain walks, but the for me the visit to the Aboriginal centre was at least as interesting. There the story was told about an almost perfect society of 1 million people living in full balance with environment around them, and that for some 100.000 years, until they where wiped away less than 150 years ago by a bunch European invaders….

This gets you thinking about Global Warming and things like the water shortage over here…


a week of Ozzie goldmining

Monday, October 27th, 2008

Let op: onder de Engelse tekst volgt een Nederlandse vertaling/samenvatting van dit stukje.

This is last week’s story:

Last week we’ve hired a car in Melbourne and travelled around southern Australia, starting in the Ballarat gold mining town. There we’ve experienced the old goldmining days, as in this area there has been a huge goldrush in the 1850’s, as we notocid by looking at the impressive buildings. What we have done last week, was all about this gold rush:

Driving and walking through the mining-landscapes, where you can find old heaps of quarts, old miningshafts, elevator towers and chimneys;

Visting a few old villages (some even gost towns) and the digging sites nearby, such as a visit to the Clunes gost town and the areas around it where a lot of gold digging has been going on:

Learning more about the difference between ‘fake gold’ (rusted iron) or the real thing;

Also learning about the way they lived by visiting the Sovereign Hill open air museum which resembles view the streets of the Ballarat gold town back in the 1860’s complete with a a completely rebuild coach making factory and mining sites with a steam powered water pump with burning ovens powering its steam machine;

Finding out about the big ‘Eureka’-riot that is known as the goldminers riot that is seen by many as the fundation of the democratic society of Australia as it is today. At this riot the British flag was used (as Australia was still a British colony back then), but during the riot the miners (with different nationalities) where fighting onder a new flag, the Southern Cross which is nowedays still found in the Australian flag. The result of this riot have been full democratic rights for the miners, in voting their (still English) gouvernour;

But going into a real mine I personally found the most impressive of last week activities. The idea to be really far (60 meters) into the ground was very weird. It’s like being on a high sky-scraper, which is a bit scary, but than the other way around. I thought that probably I’ve never been into the ground as deep in my life, but Jannis “put my feet back on the ground” by telling me that going into the underground is simular. 

In that mine in Bendigo we went down to level 2, while it goes down to level 17. For example, for us it would take us 15 minutes to climb up to the surface (when the elevator wouldn’t work), while for the lowest level it will take you 3.5 hours……

To make it all a bit more exciting we all had to switch off our lights for a while. They didn’t have light in the early days, a shaft was lit by only a single candle. The tourgide used to be a miner himselves, so he also had a lot of good stories, and showed us how the mining and the drilling works:

The most impressive story was about the fact that the city of Bendigo is full of mines and that you can walk underground from one street to the other. A result of this intensive mining in the 19th century was that a couple of years ago a complete baseball field just suddenly sunk 10 meters into the ground.

Another good story was about a friend of him who tried some gold prospectoring last month and claimed to be very rich as he thought he had found buckets full of gold in the river by a good day of searching. He was loudly wondering why everybody made such a fuss about finding that Bendigo gold. It turned out he had found only some rustic iron pieces, so he was not too happy after that….

Yesterday we went bushwalking for a change. We have been enjoying great views from an extinct vulcano with a great campsite in its crater, some great lookoutseroded hills, a strange spider web cover field, saw some kangaroos (even a mum with a baby quite close), lots of bast changing Eucaliptus trees, and went to visit a couple of springs. For me it was  a welcome change. We saw a dried up river bed which must have been some of those springs. Apparently even the springs are drying up over here with this serious drought. For me it was  a welcome change.

Now we are heading to the Grampians (a big national park) and driving along the Great Ocean Road. 



Here is the Dutch translation:

Afgelopen week hebben we een auto gehuurd om het zuidelijke gedeelte van Australie te ontdekken. Aangezien er hier  rond de jaren 1850 een grote goudkoorst heeft geheerst, wat in de omgeving nog goed is te merken, was afgelopen week dan ook vooral in het teken van goud-mijnen:

In de omgeving kom je nog overal tekenen van oude mijnen en mijnzoekers tegen zoals oude mijn-ingangen, torens en vooral veel quartz-hopen (quartz is het gesteente waaruit het goud wordt gehaald). We zijn naar een groot open luchtmuseum geweest, waar we konden zien hoe het er tijdens de goudkoorst-tijden aan toe ging. We hebben oude spook-stadjes bezocht; mooie, rijke plaatsen die tegenwoordig zo goed als verlaten zijn. We zijn ondergronds gegaan om te zien hoe een mijn er vanbinnen uitziet. We zijn meer te weten gekomen over het vinden van goud en wat er op goud lijkt, maar geen goud is. We hebben geleerd over de hier bekende ‘Eureka-opstand’, een grote opstand van de mijners, die er destijds voor veranderingen (verbeteringen) heeft gezorgd, en de rechten destijds verworven worden tegenwoordig nog als fundament wordt gebruikt. Wat ook bijzonder was, voor de opstand werd altijd de Britse vlag gebruik (Australie is dan ook een kolonie van Groot Britannie), maar tijdens de opstand werd er voor het eerst met z’n allen (vele verschillende nationaliteiten) onder “de zuidelijke kruis” gevochten, de geboorte van de hedendaagse Australische vlag.

Zelf vond ik het bezoeken van een echte mijn het indrukwekkenst. Een eng idee om zo diep onder de grond te zijn (“als er iets gebeurd dan kunnen we geen kant op”). Ik had ook echt het idee dat ik nog nooit zo diep onder de grond ben geweest. Jannis bracht me weer met beide benen op de grond met zijn opmerking dat als je met de metro gaat je misschien ook wel zo diep bent. Wij zijn naar de tweede verdieping geweest, terwijl het 17 verdiepingen diep gaat. Even ter vergelijking, wij zouden in 15 minuten (iets langer naar gelang je fitheid) naaqr boven kunnen klimmen, terwijl je er vanaf de 17e verdieping 3.5 uur over doet……. Voor  mij was het diep genoeg!  Om het nog wat spannender te maken, moesten we onder het mom van “vroeger hadden de mijners ook geen lampen” (iedere gang werd door slacht 1 kaars verlicht) onze lampjes uitdoen. Wat het erg interessant maakte was dat onze gids zelf ook een mijner is geweest en dus leuke verhalen kon vertellen.

Gisteren zijn we voor de verandering het bos ingegaan. We hebben genoten van mooie uitzichten, verschillende bronnen bezocht en veel kangaroos en mooie vogels gezien. Voor mij na een week in het stoere mijners-gebied wel een aangename verandering. Nu via het nationaal park, de Grampians, op naar de kust!!



an 380 and Michelle’s wedding

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

Thursday we left Tokyo after our 3-day visit and we flew to Melbourne with a short stopover in Sydney airport.

Here I spotted a A380 aircraft – the new 600-seat airplane of which now only two have been delivered to Quantas and Singapore Airlines fresh from the factory. Pretty exciting since I have been involved with the design of the fuslage panels and wing nose of this aircraft.  You can make out the A380 from Singapore Airlines in the far distance in this picture – recognisable by its bigger size.

We travelled to Melbourne to witness Michelle (she is Martine’s cousing) and Andrew getting married. There we also met the Australian part of Martine’s family (al lot of Martine’s familiy has moved from the Netherlands to Australia in the 1950’s), including Martine’s brother, Nick.

After we visted an afterparty the next day, we rented  a car and we are now travelling through the Ballarat region in the Victoria state, where there has been a big gold rush in the 1850’s.

We will let you know in the next post what we have experienced over there.

See you and thanks for the comments.


our Tokyo experience

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

We (luckely) got some requests to write a bit in Dutch aswell, so for a change I’ll write a little bit in Dutch which is a lot easier for me. But note that the last part is continued in English. Click on the links to watch the pictures.

Tokyo is in eerste instantie, naast natuurlijk het totaal ander alfabet, een grote metropool, net als alle andere grote steden.

Maar al snel werd duidelijk dat Tokyo toch wel verschilt van wat we gewend zijn. In Tokyo is het, ondanks dat het heel erg druk en vol is (volgens mij heeft Tokyo ongeveer 20 miljoen inwoners), goed georganiseerd en komt daarom niet hectisch over.  De mensen zijn erg beleefd en vriendelijk. Ze willen je altijd helpen, alleen gaat dat heel moeilijk omdat ze heel slecht Engels spreken.

Iets wat je volgens mij in weinig andere grote steden zal zien is dat de fietsen niet altijd op slot staan, de auto’s met draaiende motor maar zonder bestuurder langs de weg staan. Blijkbaar is de criminaliteit hier nog niet uitgevonden.

Wat me wel meteen was opgevallen (wat ik al had geschreven) was natuurlijk het andere alfabet. Dat heeft ons wel wat zweetdruppeltjes gekost. We hebben er een uur over gedaan om een kaartje voor de metro te kunnen halen. Kijk maar eens naar het metroschema in Japanse tekens (klik op de links om foto’s te openen). Gelukkig hebben ze het voor ons, Westerse toeristen, heel makkelijk met verschillende kleuren aangegeven welke metro-lijn je moet nemen. Helaas voor Jannis, die kleurenblind is, maakte dat het niet altijd makkelijker….

Aan de andere kant hebben de Japanners ook wel moeite met ons alfabet. De taxichaffeur die ons naar ons hostel bracht, kon onze informatie niet lezen. Wij hadden de informatie uitgeprint, dus gewoon met westerse letters, en hij kende alleen het Japanse alfabet. Hij vond het allemaal zelf erg vervelend en heeft zich wel 10 keer verontschuldigd en rekende ook nog eens maar de halve rit.

In het hostel moesten we onze schoenen uitdoen die gestald werden in een vakje met Jannis naam eronder in Japanse letters. In Japan draag je binnen geen schoenen (misschien om de rieten matten te sparen), maar staan er slippertjes voor je klaar.

Hieronder nog een paar impressies ons vertrek en ons bezoek aan Tokyo, waarbij we vooral in het gedeelte zijn geweest van wat er (na de de bomberdamenten in de 2e wereldoorlog en vele aardbevingen) is overgebleven:

Our departure in Schiphol waved goodbye by Jannis’ parents, Lilette, Gijs and Janne.

Flight information in Japanese characters at Tokyo airport which every ten seconds automatically changed into English which we liked better!

Our tea table in our Ryokan style hostel and the beds in the same traditional Japanese style.

Healty and very tasty Japanse lunch eaten with chop sticks by Jannis and Martine, no sushi but even better. 

Candy shop at the old Yakanawa district which also had a famous (and cool) Gate, Temples and Tower, everything lit marvelously.

One of the old style wooden houses left which you could only find in a few old neighbourhoods together with lots of flowers and Japanse trees.

To finish this post I’d like to get back to our previous post, where we introduced some Japanese characters. It was about the fact that most Japanse people don’t speak English so it was pretty difficult to find our way around in Japan. Now we understand why Japanse people seem to prefer travelling abroad in big organized groups!  


arrived in Tokyo city

Monday, October 13th, 2008

So、here we are………

After a almost a year living up to the moment, it feels really weird to actually have left now for a trip around the world.

But by seeing all writing here done in Japanese symbols instead of in `normal` writing, it is slowly becoming clear to us that we have now actually started our planned 7-month world trip.

We are still a little jet lagged so we end this post for now. More about Tokyo in our next post. But not before we want to say the following to all of you, our readers:


It is not possible to upload pictures in our hostel, so you will have to wait some more days for the first pictures.

Next time you will then also get a translation of the above, with the story that is behind it.

Martine & Jannis.

cleaned our place and clothes

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

We have now arrived in Laag-Keppel where Martine’s parents live, to bring their car back. We had to use their car pretty much in these last days in Holland since we have taken our own cars out of insurance, as we will not be using them the next months.

Martine’s parents are also in Australia now, so we will see them together with Martine’s brother Nick and his wife Lucienne within a few days.

Today we cleared our place of all our personal stuff  & other garbage. This was needed since we have found somebody last week who is going to rent our place. He is moving in tomorrow.

We are just finishing some bookings & payments and have washed our last set of clothes, so we will be ready tomorrow to go to Schiphol for our first part of the trip to Tokyo.

See you.


a busy day

Friday, October 10th, 2008

Hi everyone, 

Today was a busy shopping day.

We just finished some heavy shopping to buy most of the travel stuff we will need in the coming months: backpacks, sleeping bags, jackets (two of them for Martine because she gets cold very easy) and fleeces. As of today we have everything we need for our 7-month trip to Tokyo, Melbourne, Tasmania, Canberra, Buenes Aires, Patagonia, Pantenal, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and maybe even the Galapagos Islands…

We’ve also (with the help of Jannis’ parents) removed our personal stuff from our appartment in Arnhem and signed the papers for the rental of our place and tomorrow the plumber will be fixing some things so it will be rental ready. 

Now we only have some packing to do, so we can leave this Sunday evening.

Within a week you can see the first picures of Tokyo on this blog.  

Till then.

Jannis & Martine.

just finished working

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

I just finished working after what looks like something of a 14-hour working day, but now it looks like I am completely finished.

Martine also finished work a couple of hours ago, so now we can spend the rest of the week completing the lay out of this blog and preparing for our journey that starts with the first flight this Sunday, to Tokyo.


hi Dutch and Auzzie people

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Hi Aussies & Dutchies,

Within two weeks we are going on a 7-month trip to Australia & South-America and now we are finishing all our preparations.

One of the last things left to do, before we are leaving, is to start a blog for the people left behind and the ones we are travelling to. You now see the first preliminary results of these efforts.

I now end this post with the promise of returning soon with some new posts, which will be less boring, since I have to go on tomorrow morning on a business trip to Hoogeveen for one of my last working days at Fokker so I will be joining Martine who is already asleep for quite some hours.

See you soon,
