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Thursday, June 24th, 2010

From our Flickr-site….

….100_1749, originally uploaded by Jannis en Martine.

I found out that the 550-seat A380-airplane (on which I have worked a lot during my time at Fokker-company) is going to visit Amsterdam Schiphol soon…

But we’ve already seen it 2 years ago when we were in Australia tot visit Martine’s brother & his girlfriend, who are now here, by the way!



Thursday, June 24th, 2010

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

French or Spanish

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Last weekend we had a short holiday in Maffe which is a cosy village in Wallonia: the French-speaking part of Belgium.

We had a very nice stay in the hotel ‘Au Manoir de Vallèes‘ over there, especially since the village of Maffe is located in one of the more scenic parts of the Wallonian Ardennes that’s unkown to most tourists.

But the strangest experience was that we sort of have lost all of our (very basic) French-speaking abilities, since we’ve travelled in Spanish-speaking territory for 6 months. Every time we had tot speak French we ended up saying something in Spanish automatically. That was very confusing….

At least we now can say that our Spanish is that good that it is now a lot better than our French….



Friday, April 16th, 2010

Weer wat nieuws van ‘t muziekfront:

Jannis zijn broer Dingeman (ja, dat is z’n echte voornaam) is niet alleen goed bezig met z’n band ‘Donder’ die Zeeuwstalige rockmuziek maakt (zie onder andere deze eerdere post Donder rising in the top 100, maar ze treden begin juni ook nog bij op de radio bij Giel Beelen op, op 3FM en als ‘t meezit wordt dit optreden ook nog op TV uitgezonden), maar Dingeman is nu ook nog solo bezig.

Minder rock, maar meer van ‘t serieuze werk.

Voor zijn debutalbum “Vô degeen die a’t wil wete” heeft Dingeman ook net een platencontract binnen. Zie o.a. dit nieuwsbericht op de site van de Zeeuwse Top 40 van Omroep Zeeland (via deze pagina kun je trouwens ook eventjes op Donder stemmen; op bijvoorbeeld het nummer Softijsje):

nieuws: aanbod platencontract voor Dingeman de Visser’s solodebuut

Voor meer over Dingeman’s band Donder zie de Donder-website en je kunt wat nummers kan luisteren op hun MySpace-pagina, allemaal in ‘t Zeeuws, natuurlijk…

Zie ook nog:

Donder gaat naar Giel Beelen




Friday, March 5th, 2010

It’s weird that exacly 1 year ago, we were at the location where the Chilean earhtquakes hit last week….

We already had forgotten that we had visited the area where the Valdivian earthquake of 1960 had hit (the largest earthquake ever recorded) and the area around Niebla near Valdivia where a sort of Tsunami had flattened the complete forest. See our previous post of a year ago from & the prictures we took there:

Our post:
Germany in Chili

The pictures:
Lake District

Weird indeed….


Pictures back on Flickr!

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Our account for Flickr had expired, so I found last week that you couldn’t check out all of our travell pictures anymore.

But yesterday we have reactivated our account again, so you can see all of our prictures again on our Flickr-webpage.

This week we will try to upload the remaining pictures from the last days of our 8.5-month trip: some more pictures from La Paz and some pictures from our short stay in Madrid and our flight back home. 


my Patagonian clothes

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

I am temporary working as a mailman to deliver the Christmas mail, and it seems to that in this job I am using my hiking clothes more than for what I had bought them originally: to hike in the Patagonian mountains.

Last week it has been snowing heavily in the Netherlands and especially in the erea where we live, the hilly surroundings of the city of Arnhem and I am delivering the mail in the most hilly part. So last week has been pretty cold & windy while delivering the mail, so I’ve started wearing my backpack/hiking clothes again, since they protect muich better againts this extreme weather than my original Dutch winter clothes….


Donder’s CD sells!

Friday, November 27th, 2009

And, here´s another short post just to say that the 1st album/CD of my brother´s band ´Donder´ is selling very well, and as a result has gone up in the Dutch Top 100 album charts.

From number 48 to number 39!!!!

See the band´s page on MySpace and the Donder-website to listen to a couple of their songs, in Dutch (dialect) language.


Donder in Top 100

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Here´s a short post just to say that, as of this week the 1st album/CD of my brother´s band ´Donder´ is now in the Dutch album charts on number…


See the band´s page on MySpace and the Donder-website to listen to a couple of their songs, in Dutch (dialect) language.


new job, car for sale

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Nu we al een tijd terug zijn, wordt het weer tijd om een ‘normaal’ leven op te bouwen.

Dat lukt al aardig, want Martine is al kort na onze terugkomst in deeltijd aan het werk als diëtist (dus zij is nu de kostwinner hier) en werkt sinds enkele weken al weer voltijd.

Ook ik heb sinds kort een nieuwe job in een adviesfunctie en begint daar vanaf begin volgend jaar mee. Tot die tijd nog eventjes klussen en misschien nog eventjes postbode spelen rond de kerst om de tijd door te komen. Ik heb alvast mijn auto maar te koop gezet want mijn Audi 80 heb ik nu niet meer nodig, al ben ik nog steeds een fan van deze auto:

Verder gaan we binnenkort naar de CD-release van de band van mijn broer (die heeft een platencontract binnen; zie hun pagina’s op Hyves en MySpace voor meer informatie) dus ook aan leuke dingen doen we nog genoeg.


posting pictures, again

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Since a couple of weeks we have internet access again, so I have started to post our last collection of pictures on our Flickr-webpage.

I have just posted a fresh set of pictures showing our visit to the ruïns of the ancient capital of the Tiwanaku kingdom, this really was one of our highlights of our Bolivian visit.

The plan is to post our remaining South-American pictures in he next couple of weeks. After that I will post the pictures from our first month travelling in Australia, since we didn’t publish those properly.

So keep checking our Flickr-webpage!


de tijd vliegt…….

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Voor de grap bekeek ik net onze site nog eens een keer, en tot mijn verbazing zag ik dat de site, weleenswaar minder maar toch nog steeds behoorlijk goed bezocht wordt…..

Vandaar dat ik nog maar een (mogelijk dit keer echt de laatste) blog schrijf. Nu we bijna 3 maanden (jeetje zeg, dat gaat bijna net zo hard als de tijd die voorbij vloog onderweg) terug zijn, is het leuk om nog een keer terug te blikken.

Wat er aan vooraf ging:

  • Oktober 2007:
  • Ik krijg een emailtje van Michelle, mijn favoriete nichtje uit Australië met het bericht dat ze gaat trouwen. Jannis en ik hebben het erover of we eventueel naar de bruiloft kunnen gaan…..
  • December 2007:
  • Het idee om in plaats van een korte trip naar de bruiloft in Australië, er een langere reis aan te plakken komt ineens op. Jannis wil serieus op zoek naar ander werk, en is dus toch al van plan zijn baan uiteindelijk op te gaan zeggen. De timing zou dus goed zijn. Het broeden van dit plan en het uitrekenen/calculeren of het een reëel idee is begint.
  • Maart 2008:
  • Jannis komt bij mij in Arnhem wonen, zodat we geld kunnen sparen voor de reis. Jannis moet nu dagelijks minimaal een uur heen en een uur terug naar zijn werk (maar meestal is hij veel langer onderweg), maar gaat nu maar niet meer op zoek naar een andere baan. We nemen allebei geen vakantiedagen meer op, om zo naast geld, zoveel mogelijk vakantiedagen te sparen.
  • Mei 2008:
  • Het sparen lijkt goed te gaan, dus ik moet nu echt gaan beslissen of we het idee nu gaan doorzetten, wat inhoudt dat ik ook mijn baan zal moeten gaan opzeggen. Een moeilijke beslissing want ik heb het erg naar mijn zin op mijn werk. Uiteindelijk hak ik de knoop door, en vertel op mijn werk dat ik aan het einde van dat jaar ontslag neem. Vanaf dit moment wordt onze reis opeens helemaal echt……
  • Augustus 2008:
  • Er lijkt een kink in de kabel te zijn gekomen: Jannis breekt zijn arm met ringrijden en moet daaraan geopereerd worden. De verwachting is dat zijn herstel precies zal duren tot onze vertrekdatum. Hij blijkt gelukkig heel goed te herstellen en eind augustus durven we toch ons ticket te boeken….
  • Oktober 2008:
  • Een erg drukke maand waarin we alles op onze werk hebben afgerond, samen naar het gemeentehuis zijn gegaan voor een geregistreerd partnerschap waardoor ook financieel alles goed geregeld is, een huurder gezocht voor ons appartement, abonnementen opgezegd, onze auto’s opgeschort, de laatste werkdagen en afscheid van collega’s, onze persoonlijke spullen uit ons appartement ‘verhuist’ en natuurlijk alles ingepakt. Helaas schiet een geplande ‘goodbye party’ er bij in, maar op zondag 12 oktober is het toch uiteindelijk zover, we vertrekken!

Bij elkaar zijn we iets meer dan 8 maanden weg geweest,  dat is heel erg snel voorbij gevlogen. En ondertussen zijn we ook al meer dan 3 maanden terug  en is het dus alweer bijna een jaar geleden dat we weg gingen.

Zelfs het ‘terug zijn’ gaat dus zo voorbij…

Liefs, Martine.

Got our keys back!

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

We have got our keys back, so we’re back again in our own appartment again. After having stayed at our parents’ places for the last two weeks. 

So the last couple of days we have been unpacking everything and inspecting our place for damage, as our first renter seems to have been a little careless with our carpet and some other things, and our broker, didn’t inspect our place properly when the renter handed the keys back to them 3 months ago (they will get a nice bill from us next week). Happily enough the second renter was very clean and very carefull with our stuff so we got the appartment back in pretty good and clean condition, apart from some 3-month old damage.   

Today was the first working day for Martine so that was another big change.

Jannis is still not feeling too well (again some Bolivian stomach problems today) but in spite of this has finished his CV today, so if everything goes all right he will also have a job in a couple of weeks. 

It seems that everything is slowly getting back to ‘normal’ life….

Jannis and Martine.


It will take a while before we have a internet back in our appartment, but we still keep posting the remaining pictures on our Flickr-webpage when we are at Martines’ or Jannis’ parents places.

home sweet home

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

We are back in Holland again, staying with our parents untill we are able to go back again into our appartment.

This gives us some time to do things like read our mail, do the laundry, unpack, etc. And of course looking back on our trip. Strange to think the trip is over and now just a memory… 

In the meanwhile while we were enjoying our travel, things were happening back at home: some of our friends got pregnant, a couple of baby’s were born, some friends moved to a new place, some friends moved in together and even some ‘die hard single’ friends found a partner. Unfortunately also some bad news reached us. 

Besides that we couldn’t believe all the things happening back home. First of all, after being away for just a few weeks, I found out the department I used to work for was being sacked. So the (pretty hard) decision to give up my beloved job to go travelling, turned out to be the right one!
And while being away the recession also hit Holland fully, so the  job situation changed around completely from since we had left (a good reason to stay away a bit longer). Another worry while travelling was that our real estate agent, through who we had rented our flat, was going bankrupt.

But after 8 months of travelling all of this doesn’t seem to have mattered: all my colleges have new fun jobs, our broker was part of a bigger company so it has been rescued by its mother company, and even the resession doesn’t seem to be a worry as there are still plenty of vacancies to apply for.

We feel happy to be back home especially since we were being welcomed on arrival at Schiphol by our family and some good friends (including one of the ‘new’ baby’s). We are also enjoying things like clean clothes (in South-America the washing machines are not that good) and of course stroopwafels, drop, a glass of cassis, bolussen, etc.

Or actually, just the fact that you can eat and drink anything. Or take every bus (without having to worry if the busdriver has driven to many hours) and take any taxi without the fear of being hijacked and robbed. So we appreciate the things you take in Holland for granted again.

After more than 8 months of travelling, having exciting new experiences and changing everything constantly, we now still have things to explore, being back at home: we are looking forward to see the new houses of our friends, meet their new partners, their ‘new’ baby’s or see how other babys meanwhile have grown into little kids.
And after our amazing trip, travelling to Tokyo, Australia, Argentinia, Chili, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Lima and Madrid, we now have come to the most scary part;

going back to ‘the real world’……. 

Love, Martine

This blog and our foto’s on Flickr were our way to stay in touch and let you know how and what we were doing. Besides if there was an exceptional reason, we have not sent any mail. So don’t take it personal if you didn’t get a postcard……… 😉

The coming days we will be posting loads of new pictures on our our Flickr-webpage since we are still 3 weeks behind, so keep checking! We even are posting more pictures from Salar de Uyuni so now there are almost 100 (Hundred!) Salar de Uyuni pictures to see.

in Europe again

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

This is just a short post as we arrived in Madrid yesterday, and we have only have two days untill we fly to Amsterdam this Sunday-afternoon.

So we have to hurry a bit to see some things and we are a little tired from yesterday´s flight. We flew directly out of Lima, Peru, on a a very tiring 11-hour flight, and, as we flew with the worst airline I have ever flown with, Iberia (where they give you only 2 (TWO !!) drinks in 11 hours) we are now recovering a little in the sun…



The last days we also have managed to publish some very nice Bolivian pictures on our Flickr-webpage, so check them out.

Martine’s family in Peru

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

We are now in Lima, Peru, staying a couple of days here with Martine’s Peruvian relatives, Ricardo and his family.

Ricardo is a cousin of Martine’s Australian cousin Michelle. She’s the one who got married eight months ago, and since our eight-month trip started in Australia with Michelle’s wedding, it’s very special to end our trip with a visit to her Peruvian family.

As we had been sick a week ago, we’ve not done very much in the city here. But we still have gotten a pretty good impression of Lima as Ricardo has guided us around the nice boulevards and neighbourhoods along the Pacific ocean, and Flor, Ricardo’s mother, has made us some fabulous Perivan food, including delicious ‘arroz con leche’ dessert (rice with milk) and ‘chita morrada’ (made from black corn) drink.

In about an hour we are going to have our goodbye-lunch as we fly out of Lima tonight. For lunch Flor is making another famous Peruvian dish: ‘ceviche’. I have been told that it is raw fish marinated with lemon and onion, and since I grew up along the Dutch coast and like fish very much, I am very curious about this ‘ceviche’ dish.

This will also be our last South-American meal…


less than 1 week left

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Because we have been sort of stuck in La Paz last week, as we have been pretty sick, but not as sick as our jungle-travel-buddies Brad and Caren who even took antibiotics to get better (see the link at the top right ´Sites from people we know´ for a link to their blogsite).

So we had the ´pleasure´ of enjoying La Paz a little longer. Not really the best city to be stuck for more than a week, but luckily we had CNN in our room. So we are completely up to date with everything that has happened the past 8 months, including Holland beating England with cricket…

Since we have run out of time now, we had to change our plans for the last weeks. Instead of making our way through Peru to fly out of Lima, we now will fly directly to Lima this evening. In Lima we will stay a couple of days with Martine´s Peruvian relatives.

From there we will fly directly to Madrid to spend our last couple of days in Spanish-speaking territory.

Jannis en Martine.

Saved by Loperamide

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

During our stay in the jungle we must have eaten something wrong, as not only we, but also Caren and Bradley (the couple we travelled through the rainforest with), are having some problems.

As a dietician I of course feel more like just eating well and let your body fight the problem. But as we had a 20-hours busride ahead of us, in a bus without toilet, I put myself on a diet of eating nothing and taking Loperamide tablets. Luckily Jannis wasn´t too bad and could manage the busride with just being careful. This is how we managed to arrive back here in La Paz without any ´accidents’.

Unfortunatly by this time also Jannis seems to get worse as well, so we will stay here a couple of more days to recover. This has given us somr time to arrange our flight back home (Sunday June 14) and publishing our pictures of Paraguay on our Flickr-webpage). So by now we’re ‘only’ still a month behind with publishing our pictures 😉 That’s the positive site of having stomach problems.

It seems that having problems is, even though we’ve been very careful, something every traveller going to Bolivia has to go through….

Love Martine.

real ECO-tourism

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

We have just come back from a very ECO-friendly tour to´the jungle´, booked at an agency (Maldidi Travels) run by a very inpiring woman. Let me explain:

A few days ago we flew into the Bolivian Amazonas, into Rurrenabaque with the idea to go on a pampas tour. This is a tour into the wetlands around here, were you can spot loads of wildlife.
But we heard some very animal-unfriendly stories: drugging a tarantula spider with cigarette smoke, so you can put it on your face for a picture, grabbing baby kayman´s & anaconda´s to show them to you (which apparently caused that there are 50% less around these days) and feeding wild animals. So we weren´t that keen on going to the pampas anymore.

But then we ran into Rosa Marie, a very interesting Bolivian woman who managed to achieve that a part of the rainforest here is now a national park (which means now it is all protected area) in a time when Bolivia was still a dictatorship. Something that required a lot of persistance and guts, because she had (and still has) a lot of enemies. Such as local politicians who want to built a huge dam in the area or to cut down big pieces of forest to make a lot of money, but of course would destroy the nature there.
Despite this (often criminal and violent) resistance she still succeeded in making part of the rainforest here, a national park. This is why, a couple of years ago, she has been decorated as the worlds most effective nature conservator. 
Now she has bought a big piece of another part of the rainforest herself to also turn it into a protected area; the Serena reserve. To attract tourists to this reserve she has built some nice lodges over there, reached by a 3-hour boattrip from here. The profit that is made from the tourist visits, is invested back into the reserve, for further protection against illegal hunting etc.

So this is how we ended up going on this more expensive, but definitely more ECO-friendly ´jungle-tour´. It was certainly worth the extra money!
The lodge was very romantic. It had no walls, it´s only surrounded by mosquito nets. Not even the bathroom, but because you´re only surrounded by rainforest nobody can see you anyway. And because there is no electricity, at night everything is lit by candles.
After blowing out the last candle it is pitch-dark, which makes you experience the noices and smells of the rainforest even more.
But we were also a bit worried after our neighbours found a scorpion in their lodge. The guide told us not to worry though, because he had a cure for scorpion poison. He came up with an old fishook, we never realised before that fishooks should be part of the first aid kit…… 

We woke up the next morning by the sound of rain. Very cosy. Even though it´s dry season here and we arrived in a humid and very hot environment, the weather has changed very quickly during our stay. So it has mainly been raining here for the past few days.
During our stay in the Serena reserve we still got to see a lot of animals. In between the rains, we still walked a lot, spotting heaps of monkeys, and have canoed along a couple of lakes, spotting heaps of birds and a some kaymans.
We also enjoyed the food in the lodge very much, because even though they don´t have electricity here, the cook still prepares amazing meals. He was for instance able to prepare a very creative but very tasty ´cholcolate-pancake´ cake for Jannis´ birthday.

Even since we have arrived back in Rurrenabaque the rain has not stopped yet. So we can´t fly out of here, as there is only a grassy airstrip here (we heard that the mayor here doesn´t allow the building of a concrete airstrip here since he still is trying to build the dam, and too many tourists going to the Madidi park would prevent this forever). So instead of an easy 1-hour flight we are going a 20-hour bus-ride back to La Paz tomorrow….

Love, Martine.


We have published loads of pictures on our Flickr-webpage again.

the pre-Inca Tiwanaku city

Monday, May 25th, 2009

We just ended staying in La Paz for a couple of days.

Except for the fact that this 2-million people city is strangly built on the slopes of the mountains (it is very tiring to walk in the streets here) and that there are very nice museums and traditional markets here, not much positive can be said about it. It is basically a city unlike any other Bolivian city we have been: it is very dirty and chaotic here, there are no trees and flowers here and the old colonial buildings all seem to be sort of collapsing….

But yesterday evertything was different. We went on a day excursion 65 km from here, to the ruïns of the Tiwanaku city. It used to be the capital of a very important ancient culture. 

The ruïns of Tiwanaku are located near the famous lake Titicaca which is the highest lake in the world. Tiwanaku is near lake Titicaca because the lake once functioned as the river Nile of this continent, regulating the climate of the nearby ´altiplato´ flat lands located high in between the Andes mountains. As the Tiwanaku people were also very inventive in the way how they farmed those lands (using ricefield-like configurations) it was possible to produce lots of the food, so much that Tiwanaku could become a very big city. 

In the end this resulted in Tiwanaku becoming one of the most important South-American empires, compairable to the more famous Inka´s. Tiwanaku built big cities like the Inca´s: using unknwown ways to move, cut and combine large stones into big buildings and they also knew as much about astronomy as the later Inka´s did. In contrast with the Inka´s however (who lasted less than 300 years), the Tiwanaku empire existed for more than 3000 years. But around 144o it suddenly dissapeared (they don´t know why), more than 500 years before the Inca-empire appeared.

At the site of the Tiwanaku capital only 40 % of the stones are left, since a lot of them were stolen by the Spanish to build churches. But what remains of this ancient city is still fascinating: some very large and impressive Inca-like statues, a very large piramide (they are now reconstructing it), a big religious temple and an underground cellar in which they have put more than 200 stone faces in its walls. There also is a big harbour, built when lake Titica used to be a much bigger lake. This harbour is constructed by strangely shaped massive 150.000 kg stones, nobody knows how these stones have been moved to that place.

What interested us the most was a very large stone gate in which the Tiwanaku´s had inscripted a very accurate calendar. The calender has 12 months, with each month having 30 days, so they really understood the monthly & yearly cycles of the earth. But they were 5 days short, so they gave the month September 35 days, because it was the most important month of the year (spring starts in September over here).

Tiwanaku is probably not so well-known in Europe as the Tiwanaku culture has no written history, and it was already gone before the Spanish arrived here. But these ruïns are not to be missed when you are around here.  

This morning we took a 50-minutes flight, landing on a little grass airfield in the jungle in Rurrenabaque, in the Bolivian amazone. So we are now out of La Paz and in a very different setting. It´s very warm, there are lots of trees, plants and animals, and it´s very humid.

A very nice change of environment…


leaving the white city

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

In a couple of hours we are going to leave Sucre to La Paz, with the nightbus.

So we say goodbye to ´the white city’ – all the buildings in the city centre here are painted in colonial c.q. Spanish white. Because of the white city centre, Sucre is now UNESCO-protected.
When we arrived here we thought that Bolivia just had received a huge amount of money, because they are renovating and painting a lot of the buildings here. Later we found out that UNESCO will visit the city centre during the main independence day on May 25th, so that´s why the city council mandates that everything has to be perfect for that day. It doen´t matter if you have or don´t have money, every owner of a building in the city centre has to assure that his building is in perfect shape. Otherwise you will get a fine.

It´s a shame that Sucre is not as rich as we had thought before.

Jannis and Martine.

We still are reguraly publishing new pictures on our Flickr-webpage), so keep checking it out. 

a bit Bolivian history

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

A couple of days ago we still were in Potosi where we were introduced to a bit of the history of this area.

The little streets of Potosi are full with lovely Spanish balcony covered & brightly coloured buildings, so you can still see that back in the 17th century Potisi was a very wealthy city. In fact, back then it was the largest city in the world.

Potosi became so wealthy because back then there was a huge amount of silver in the mountains around the city. The nasty thing was that the Spanish got this silver out of the mountains by forcing the native people and African slaves to work in the very unhealthy mines, killing a couple of MILLION of them in the process. It seems like the Spanish didn’t mind to much, because they used the African slaves and natives for about 250 years, until there was no more silver left.  The church didn’t seem to mind to much too, because a big amount of this silver was used to ‘decorate’ the local churches…

The silver was also used to make the money for the Spanish kingdom, so a big mint was operating in Potosi. This mint is still around, it has now been restured and is very impressive. It is a very big, but also a very beautifully designed, building with about hundred rooms inside. Each room is now a small museum, and the old Austrian horse driven minting machines (to make coins from the crude silver) are still around.

Potosi is one of the nicest cities we have ever seen, but its main disadvantage is that it is the highest city in the world. Its main plaza is situated at about 4000 meters high. So, walking around, uphill, in the winding streets is a bit of a struggle as constantly it feels like you’ve just run a maraton. At night it also gets very cold, and they don{t put the heating in the hotels, because they think it’s still pretty warm now. As the Salar the Uyuni had also been very cold, we needed a change of climate. 

So, after having stayed a couple of days in Potosi we moved to Sucre which, for Bolivian standards, is ‘pretty’  low (about 3000 meters) in the mountains. We arrived in Sucre by a short but very beautiful ride through the mountains, in sort of a taxi which we shared with 2 other people. When we got out of this taxi it was already feeling a lot warmer, and we could breath normal again. 

Apart from this Sucre is also a very nice city. Not so sweet and cosy as Potosi is, but a bit more elegant (all the buildings in the centre are white here) and with a much better nightlife (we even have found three Dutch bars here, so we ate ‘bitterballen’ yesterday).  Sucre also used to be Bolivia’s only capital, but now it has to share this status with La Paz as the government moved to that city a while ago. But, as the supreme court still resides in Sucre and as the independence from Spain was declared here, Sucre remains one of Bolivia’s TWO capitals.

When we arrived here last Thursday we heard that this weekend Bolivia was going to celebrate its 200 years of indepence. So, by incidence, we were staying in exactly the right city this weekend.

They have made lots of work of the indepence celebratings, so we got see some nice things of a very varied program. From groups of all over South-America dressed in traditional dresses, local rock and folk bands, a very good Jazz-band which brilliantly mixed standard Jazz instruments with local ones, such as wooden fluits, to some fireworks (the organisation has hired some guys who fire ‘mortars’ and other big stuff from behind each band and from the the middle of the busy plaza, with people curiously watching from very close-by if everything is going all right).

We will see if they have organised something for tonight too…


Tupiza and Uyuni

Monday, May 11th, 2009

We arrived in Potosi yesterday evening, after having visited Tupiza´s beautiful eroded rock formations, very pretty lagunes and the famous Uyuni salt lakes.

This we did with a 4-day tour, sleeping in very cold places and driving through deserted landscapes, so we are a little behind with our internet stuff. So in some days there we will update our blogsite properly, but for now I want to say this:

This tour was one of the most impressive things we have done untill now. It was at least as impressive as our visit to the eroded rock formations of Valle de Luna & Talampaya parks (we just have published the pictures of these on our Flickr-webpage).


a second go…

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Even though I wasn´t to sure if I would do it again, yesterday we went horseriding, here in Tupiza.

After our experience in Bariloche, where we had a real ´drill-intructor-guide´, I wasn´t too sure if I was going to like it.  The more in the past our horseride-experience in Bariloche became, the more I forgot about the nice bits and just remembered the scary part.

Jannis convinced me that if I wouldn´t go horseriding again soon, I would probably never go horseriding anymore in the future. As this spot seemed to be a good place for it, as the surroundings here are very beautiful and it gives you a real ´wild west cowboy feeling´, we booked for a short 3-hours horseride. But only after a lot of talking to the tour operator…

And it turned out to be really lovely!!  The guide was nice and relaxed, the horse was very kind, a dog came along for support, the weather was beautiful and the homemade local cornballs we got for lunch were very nice. And most important, it wasn´t scary!! But I must admit the whole trip we only went on a really slow ride.

We even extended the 3 hours into 5 hours and I enjoyed the whole trip. Today I don´t even have pains, as this time I didn´t cramp.

Next time I go for the multiple day horseride option  😉

Love Martine.

in anti-Morales territory

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

A couple of days ago we arrived in Bolivia from Paraguay in a little city called Villamonte, near the border in the southeast of the country.

As said before, few people travel through Paraguay and as everybody in Villamonte was staring at us with our large backpacks, it was pretty clear that even fewer people travel to the dry eastern part of Paraguay to cross the Bolivian border there. So we were the only tourists in town.
A new experience for us as even in dry east of Paraguay there were a couple of tourists around (three Australians and one Italian to be exact).

Together with this ´new´ experience we were very suprised by the fact that Villamonte looks like a pretty rich city, with beautiful buildings, green looking plaza´s and very well maintained roads.
The next day we moved on to the much bigger city Tarija (because there were no cash machines in Villamonte and the next bus would go three days later) and here we again saw a very well maintained and very nice looking city, dotted with trendy restaurants and nice plaza´s. Yesterday we moved on again, to Tupiza, a little town 3000 meters high in the mountains, and again the plaza looks marvellous.
All very different from Paraguay where you find every once nice plaza to be occupied by drunks, homeless and turned into a slump…

At first we didn´t get why these Bolivian cities were looking so good, as Bolivia is the poorest country of the continent, but then it became clear.
When we had a good look around Tarija we began to see grafitti everywhere proclaming independence for the eastern part of the country. So it is probably not only the northeastern part of Bolivia that is the rich part of the country and where they want to become an independent republic. The same seems to be true for the southeast.
I just have read that they have huge amounts of gas here and a couple of years ago president Morales (the first indigenous Bolivian president, from the poor west part of the country) nationalised the gas industry, and he now has plans to invest a big part of the gas earnings to the poor parts of the country.
Not a terrible bad idea it seems, it looks much like the way the Dutch government is spending the earnings of the Dutch gas reserves. But the rich in the east don´t want to give up their luxery lifes it seems…

Happily enough the most of the demonstrating (and sometimes even the fighting) to become an independent republic is only taking place in the northeast. That is why we won´t go there. But we still see a lot of soldiers here too, to prevent further problems with the independence movement…
