BootsnAll Travel Network

the Tazzie pictures are there

After some heavy duty uploading in Bowral (at Koos & Yvonne the night before we flew out) and in Buenos Aires, the pictures from Tasmania can also now be found at our Flickr-webpage.

Each picture even has a short description with it, so by looking at the pictures you also get an idea of what we did during our stay there.

The next post will be more about Buenos Aires as we are staying here until Friday and will then move on to Uruguay to spent Christmas there.


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One Response to “the Tazzie pictures are there”

  1. Sander & Saskia Says:

    Hey Jannis & Martine,

    Wat een verhalen zeg. Leuk om jullie belevenissen zo te volgen. Ook grappig om af en toe bekende foto’s tegen te komen. Geniet er nog maar lekker van de komende maanden.
    Vanuit een nat & kil NL alvast fijne feestdagen gewenst.

    Sander & Saskia

  2. Posted from Netherlands Netherlands

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