BootsnAll Travel Network


It began like this: “You’re going to Kerala? Then you MUST go to this resort my friend raved about.” Of course, initially I dumbly deceived myself, mistaking EUROS for rupees on their website. But, since that makes no sense, I think my unconscious was just pulling a little curtain between me and my guilt. So there I went—Surya Samudra Beach Resort in Kovalum, India—for the last “real” night of my vacation. [Transition time in Bangkok doesn’t count.] Guilt still bitched at me right up to the point that the taxi dumped me out. However, once the managers of the resort greeted me with a cool cloth, served me a fresh coconut, and showed me my room, I was patting myself on the back for being such a terrible backpacker. 😀

That stay was completely and totally about sensory indulgence. Diving into strong waves, salt and sun stinging skin, tangy pineapple juice brought poolside—it was a place to make you feel like you should write poetry, talk to dolphins, drink wheatgrass with your pinky out. Or maybe just explore ayurvedic massage and yoga. So that’s what I did. 🙂

The massage was one of the most unusual and definitely messiest of the trip. They pour on pints of oil—from your scalp to soles of your feet—and then a small lady vigorously dances around the table. Following that I had a sunset yoga instruction overlooking the beach. I liked it so much I scheduled one for sunrise (which most of you know is no small feat for me).

Well, if it sounds like it was just meaningless self-indulgence, yeah, it was. But, at the same time, I wrote, read, and thought more than I had in a single day anywhere. It certainly may have been the wild, booming orchestra of waves in my head, but it was fun letting thoughts ride them for a while. I devised a therapy program that I want to try out in New Zealand, am considering shooting back to India for a yoga teacher’s training in May, and am thinking about supporting the construction of a school in Southern India. A leap for someone who’s spent most of her traveling time trying to remember strange dreams and how to say “hello.”

“Poetry and Hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you.”
Winnie the Pooh


0 responses to “Gluttony”

  1. Savuth says:

    Glad you had a great time Cindy. Your adventures sound absolutely fantastic.

    Ali, are you getting all this. Forget about tent camping on your motorcycle ride around the world. Go to the resorts and live it up!

  2. admin says:

    No! Don’t talk him out of it! I want to join him for part. 🙂 Are you in? (I’m sure they allow motorcycle parking at the resorts too)

  3. Savuth says:

    I meant go on your motorcycle, but stay at the resorts. Best of both worlds. I told him I’m ride through SE Asia with him. It would be great to be able to ride through Burma and all the way to India, but I doubt we would get that clearance.

    Where am I posting from now?

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