BootsnAll Travel Network

Europe on a shoestring and a bungy cord

Rolling along in a faded red VW camper, the engine’s humming reminds me of other European trips, usually viewed from the back window, locations nameless to a kid who is just as interested in finishing her latchhook pillow.  Now though I help navigate, pick campsites, shop for dinner in impressive supermarkets with rows of tidy packages and bottles hailing “Pick me!” in local dialects.  A trip now 3 weeks deep, 4 countries thick—also a good visual description of the camper that carries us, cluttered with wardrobe and snacks, maps and miscellaneous debris.  The initial surprise of traveling in places so….sophisticated….and progressive….and expensive, has somewhat subsided.  Now I am just simply enjoying the European beauty, efficiency, conscience, cleanliness….and cheese.  How much dairy can one person consume in two months?  I vow to find out.  Whether it’s my daily vanilla yogurt (an unexpected passion), Gelato indulgences, or “cheese of the day,” I am happy to financially support those peaceful cows outside our campsite, singing me Swiss folksongs with their harmonic bells. Countries behind, I won’t burden the blog with trip routes and daily diaries.  Some highlights though…

Dancing in the sand at a beach “party” in Italy, orange moon, drums, sharing smiles with the locals since I couldn’t share words

Heart-pumping bike rides in Switzerland to view lakes and mountains, vineyards, and a lifestyle that must defy stress

The terror and brain-bursting freedom of flight from jumping down a 220 meter (722 foot) dam.  Did I mention there was a bungee attached?   Did I mention that your nervous system is trained to try to convince you that this is a terrible idea?!  For Golden Eye movie viewers, this scene may be familiar; to me, the Verzasca Valley dam was a juicy novelty. 

Now, adrenaline requirements mostly fulfilled, we prepare to challenge ourselves with longer mountain bike tours, colder temperatures, and new cheese varieties here in Interlochen Switzerland.  Hope the colder temperatures are also greeted with good tastes and discoveries for all those at home……


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