has a funny way of working itself out.
The job is treating me well. I really enjoy the free lunches. and they are quite well made with plenty of variety and choices. 2 Main courses, sides, salad, desert, drinks. Of course, free tea, coffee and bottled water whenever I want. Still looking for the hot chocolate. The work is surprisingly refreshing, sadly no lingerie, but a lot of dealing with personnel and lower end administration.
Theres more than 300 staff and i can’t get anyones names straight. I’m going to concentrate on the higher ups that i have to deal with them all the time. Since i’m in the head office, and i just walked in and took over someones office whos on long term leave, people keep getting confused. I will bet the director of external affairs thinks i took over, he keeps asking for things, and of course i have no clue. Now, he doesn’t ask the person i’m replacing, and it was too much fun to tell him i don’t actually do that job. Maybe he does know. Either way, that made it more interesting.
I found a flat. I moved to wembley park. I still can’t beleive its in zone 4, i guess it is pretty far away. Though i got tired of looking for things, and this was cheap (267pcm) and in a really nice area. The houses look more like houses back home, and the neighbourhood as well, with grass (who knew it existed), trees and parks. My romates are still up in the air as they are all moving right now. One guy is from the U of A on an intership. That would have been cool. the guy who lets (rents) it is like an old man, ok only mid to late thirites, but it will be something different. He seems somewhat odd, and he really has no stuff there in his room. He asked for a copy of my passport, as was in the contract. I refused, i let him write some stuff down instead. Apparently, he has a copy of everyones in the house. Though, i might just ask him for the stuff he wrote down, as I still don’t think he should have it. If you remember that london isn’t luxury like canada, then the room seems alright. Its a little box room with a single bed. I don’t really trust the carpet, or bed at all but for now theres not much choice. maybe i will lay down a sheet on the floor. now i will post a picture, as soon as i find a connection and a cafe not in the hood or dodgy (sketchy). I don’t plan to spend my life in my room, that was my reasoning, and the common area was ok with a big tv and decent kitchen. And of course, as soon as i have some money(see below), i’m going on trips every other weekend. Theres even a back yard that we can use, though i would watch it at night. Nice not to have to move every few days.
yesterday i forgot my pin to my new bank accounts and it cut me off, so today i went to get them reset. In canada, its soo much faster in branch, here its done by mail and takes a few days.
All the recent friends i made have now moved on elsewhere. it happens a lot with this hostel environment. Micheal came back then left for a job. On the road again… it reminds me of the song. not that i am, just with people. I hope those people who just recently said they were comming out do so and we can party it up. I just found out the name of a good pub near picadillys for free on the weekend, a rarity, ____ connors. ok i forget now. Yates was ok last night, but couldn’t stay out too late.
i always have things to write, then i forget them all. It must be all the new things i have to remember. so gotta go,
Tags: London
Settling down already? Where’s the adventure?!?! 🙂