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The lies my government told me

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Or facts the media didn’t bother to mention (lies by omission.

Canada the “great land of the free”, anyone following my blog knows I have lost all faith in the present day Canada but after what I saw in Central America last winter coupled with my almost completed trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway all I can say is I can NEVER believe a word uttered by the Crapadian government or media again!

With 90% of our population living within 200 miles of “Uncle Sam’s” border I suppose it’s only natural we share a lot to believe all the hogwash we are fed frm south of the border just shows we might just as well become the 51st state of the US of A & quit pretending we are an “independent” country.

I don’t know about you but my impression of Siberia from high school geography class was a desolate land of frozen tundra populated by a few slave labor camps. NOTHING could be farther from the truth!! It’s an immense land populated by many towns of varying size up to the city of Novobrsk with 1.5 million people with better  infrastructure than Canadian & US cities in the south have.

Siberia has all the varying land types that Canada does only way more of it & that’s only what I have seen from the train window on the 11,000 km ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway with it’s electrified dual track length.

Does Canada even have a year round continental train service anymore on a run 1/2 that distance.

As anyone who has been following this blog from the beginning knows I had a stroke a few years ago due to the incompetence of one of Canada’s wonderfully educated & licensed “quack” doctors. This makes me a bit slower getting around than normal but I manage however the thing I find interesting is that I don’t remember having any one in Canada offer to help me with my luggage etc but here in Russia I have been assisted numerous times without asking merely because they are some nice helpful people, sure there are the jerks to as everywhere but a definite minority.

Arrived in Vladivostok the end of the line & Russia sure is developed it’s north country, some of it looks pretty poor but then so does Canada’s undeveloped north.

It makes one wonder what the US & Canadian governments are scared of as rear is the only reason for lying!!

Minor plan change, it seems that Monday’s ferry to Japan has been canceled so will be taking the one to Korea that was supposed to leave this morning but now leaves tomorrow, then see what’s available to Japan from there.

Unflucking believable!!!!

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

That’s Mongolia, wish I had a week here instead of just a couple days!!

If you want different with friendly people, Bucket List Mongolia for at least a week!!

There is so much to see here from the arctic north to the sands of the Gobi desert, this nation that once ruled the biggest empire in history spanning an area from Europe to Vietnam but now with a population of only 2.7 million, of which 1.2 million  reside in Ulan-Bator leaving a lot of room for the nomads to graze their cattle, goats, sheep, horses & camels on the public grazing lands, all the above are used for food with horse meat #1 for winter as it provides the most nutrition for the cold weather.                                                                                                

The fun starts at the station when you disembark actually it’s shades of Cuba’s Viasul station mayhem only on a grander scale, everything here is BIG (Texas eat your heart out you ain’t got nothin’ on Mongolia. So it’s a good idea to have booked at least a partial itinerary so you can be met at the station where your guide will warn you to be aware of pickpockets but any traveler knows that applies the world over.

Enkhjargal the manager & guide with Great Genghis Expeditions  is super & I can’t recommend her (nearly perfect English & not hard on the eyes either) & GG highly enough & Great value for the pittance you pay, heck we are only 2 hrs out of Ulan-Bator but she & the driver are staying here with me, now that’s Service with a capitol “S”! Of course with gas around $1.10/litre it’s likely cheaper for them to stay than drive back on the horrid roads (finally found some roads worse than Clarington’s)

I was picked up at the station, driven by the scenic route to the Michelle Hotel a good 3 1/2* with breakfast included, shown where to eat & things to do to pass the day. Picked up this morning driven out to Terelj National Park with a couple stops along the way. After lunch at the tourist camp we went over to a Buddhist Temple (only had to climb 3/4 of the way up the mountain (well BIG hill) to get to it. Pretty neat though & worth the effort. Then off to a nomad family’s Ger (complete with solar panel & satellite TV) for some fermented mare’s milk, definitely an acquired taste (make sure you have your Imodium with you) but actually not that bad. Back to the camp for dinner, then in the morning I will be driven back to the station with a lunch provided for the train, all for only $210.00 US cash, can’t beat that deal with a stick!! Gotta LOVE Mongolia LOL

While sitting here in my Ger after a great warm, sunny day exploring, writing this in the quiet peaceful Mongolian countryside with a wood fire burning to take the night time chill out of the air I ask myself, what more could any one ask out of life!!

Well there was just one more thing to ask from this trip, on the way into the park there was a guy offering camel rides for only 2000 Tubec (about US $1.90)  asked the guide to stop on the way back so now am the only person I know who has ridden a two humped camel in Mongolia. There also was an Eagle you could hold on your arm & get your picture taken so now I have also been up close & personal with a BIG eagle.

Just kind of rounded out my Mongolian stay & finished it on a high note before heading back to civilization. So long Mongolia, my stay was too short but better than never having visited at all!

Oct 3

Sunday, September 27th, 2009
Just want to let everyone know that I won't be posting again until I reach Vladavostok on Oct 3.


Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Didn’t get lost or anything just spent 6 nights on trains but have arrived in Ulan-Bator & looks pretty COOL so just post this, catch up on emails & go exploring.


St Petersburg is all it’s touted ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Well booked the Stadion hostel, the stadium for the 1952 Olympics, in Helsinki for 3 nights at a reasonable price (have to get back on  budget).

Train trips in Scandinavia were much better than Eurorail & cheaper than British ... [Continue reading this entry]

RTW Officially begins

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Even though I have been on the road almost a month & blown my budget into orbit! I only used the first segment of my One World RTW ticket on Sunday when I flew from LHR’s terminal 5 (the airport ... [Continue reading this entry]

Heathrow Gestapo

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Warning this is a RANT!!

The  Gestapo at Heathrow make Uncle Sam’s Home Land Security look like a bunch of kindergarten cops!

Why the citizens of any country, claiming to be  a democracy put up with this ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

While the rail service from Copenhagen to Amsterdam was a disappointment from what I believed it would be from reading about it there were a couple bright spots; the ticket agent in Copenhagen turned out to be one of those ... [Continue reading this entry]

Well—-That was an experience!!!

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Have put off posting the next installment for a while trying to find some redeeming factors about Amsterdam but that didn’t happen.

The European Rail System while fast & efficient was a major disappointment for developed countries in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Culture Shock (again)

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009
After leaving Nuuk in the rain (guess Greenland was sad to see me go) & a 3 1/2 hr layover in Kangerlussuaq, arrived in Copenhagen after a 4 hr 20 min flight in Air Greenland's Air Bus 330. BTW Air Greenland ... [Continue reading this entry]