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Archive for January, 2016

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Fascistbook (Facebook) No Mo’

Monday, January 25th, 2016

My reasons for closeing Rancho Las Brisas,s Facebook page.

Once upon a time, I joined FB under my real name, as time went by I was being stalked by trolls from Trip Advisor so I closed it and opened one under my cat’s name.

More time passed and the trolls returned, this time, from my commenting on CBC articles, then one day a troll snitched that my cat’s name was not my real name, this led to an advisory that access to the account suspended unless I forwarded documentation of my real name.

Now some of these trolls had taken to writing bogus reviews on my B&B which Fascistbook REFUSED to remove.

As Fb had been completely useless in promoting my business with a steady stream of requests money for better promotion + the bogus reviews from the trolls the Fb page was actually a liability, I sent a link to some fictional ID, which enabled me to access my account and delete the page.

When I was denied access once again I set up another account under a different name, no problem! Just opened it to see if I could, then deleted it.

The wife gave me heck for deleting the page as her Fb amigos followed it, so to keep peace in the family I sent a copy of my drivers licence (a document they said was acceptable) 3+ weeks ago. Even after 4 attempts by different means to get feedback from Fb, when I try to login I get the following message:

Thank You

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to access your account while we’re reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can

Some facts about Fascistbook:

1) it received over 12 million dollars in funding from the CIA (access to info?)

2) anyone can open an account under any assumed name with NO ID (unprofessional Sad smile)

3) it depends on snitch policing (fascist!)

4) when a snitch sans ID reports a person they must prove ID (double standard!)

5) it LIES! Sad smile

6) for being so anal about names and info, why do they refuse to recognize a town you are from/are unless it’s a major urban area? (utter stupidity!)

I shall open a Fb account (just to be a sh*t disturber) under my real name for the sole purpose of posting this to see what happens, EH!


I can still be found on:

Google+: David Hawke

Twiter: @RanchoLasBrisas

Website: Rancho Las Brisas

Blog: The Wanderings of busman7

Thorntree forum: breezer123

Gracias David Hawke



Zero cost upgrade

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016

Just added a couple homegrown dwarf coconut seedlings flanking my gate.

Homegrown seedlings, no cost, Great!


Travel map

Thursday, January 7th, 2016
Get Your Own MapView Larger Map

Another year passes at Rancho Las Brisas

Friday, January 1st, 2016

2015 was another interesting year at Rancho Las Brisas, no major happenings just life in paradise.

Highlites:                January

my 95 yr old father in law came down and ... [Continue reading this entry]