Countdown cont’d
Sunday, July 19th, 20091 month to the big one. Finally it feels like my dream of visiting many places in the world that have seemed so real in stories is about to come true. Although I have had my RTW tickets for a couple months & my Iceland + Greenland ones for about a month receiving my Indian visa affixed to my passport in the mail Friday was the visual proof that turned the dreams into reality.
Now only a matter of waiting until Aug 6 (45days prior to my train from Helsinki to St Petersburg) to get my tickets so I can get my Russian visa then 3 days later for the Mongolian one then all the paperwork needed prior to leaving is done as all other visas needed can gotten at the borders or in the case of Australia on line when I get nearer.
When entering China from Nepal & Tibet it is necessary for the tour company to arrange for that visa in Kathmandu as well as the purchase of my train ticket from Lhasa to Beijing.
While in Toronto to apply for my Indian visa dropped by MEC to pick up some light weight long underwear with long sleeve top, pair of light gloves + an on sale toque (horrid color but for $4 ??), an extendable hiking staff, small combination lock & a small headlight. Oh another pair of convertible pants to replace a pair of shorts from last trip.
When I left Antigua last spring I found a light weight made in Guatemala wool hoody jacket in the indigenous craft section of the market which should suffice at least until Nepal where if necessary pick up some thing to get me to Lhasa. Also found a carryon sized duffle bag in bright Guatemalan colors
that will hold all the extra’s + my ACER net book with a Bluetooth earpiece for use with Skype, which I just can’t live without now.
All that is left is a pair of wool hiking socks + 1 more long sleeve shirt. These few extra items along with the list from last years trip should do me.
Chinese summer camp didn’t happen this year due to the H1N1 “pandemic” was kind of looking forward to one last camp pero c’est la vie.
Court case with school board went to trial but the JP is being lazy & making the lawyers submit case law proving their arguments so another couple weeks before we know the outcome.
Last tractor sold, last full size bus sold
just have to deliver when I go to the Stompin’ Tom concert
July 31 is end of fiscal year for company so will have accountant wrap it up & end 31 yrs of challenges.