The lies my government told me
Or facts the media didn’t bother to mention (lies by omission.
Canada the “great land of the free”, anyone following my blog knows I have lost all faith in the present day Canada but after what I saw in Central America last winter coupled with my almost completed trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway all I can say is I can NEVER believe a word uttered by the Crapadian government or media again!
With 90% of our population living within 200 miles of “Uncle Sam’s” border I suppose it’s only natural we share a lot to believe all the hogwash we are fed frm south of the border just shows we might just as well become the 51st state of the US of A & quit pretending we are an “independent” country.
I don’t know about you but my impression of Siberia from high school geography class was a desolate land of frozen tundra populated by a few slave labor camps. NOTHING could be farther from the truth!! It’s an immense land populated by many towns of varying size up to the city of Novobrsk with 1.5 million people with better infrastructure than Canadian & US cities in the south have.
Siberia has all the varying land types that Canada does only way more of it & that’s only what I have seen from the train window on the 11,000 km ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway with it’s electrified dual track length.
Does Canada even have a year round continental train service anymore on a run 1/2 that distance.
As anyone who has been following this blog from the beginning knows I had a stroke a few years ago due to the incompetence of one of Canada’s wonderfully educated & licensed “quack” doctors. This makes me a bit slower getting around than normal but I manage however the thing I find interesting is that I don’t remember having any one in Canada offer to help me with my luggage etc but here in Russia I have been assisted numerous times without asking merely because they are some nice helpful people, sure there are the jerks to as everywhere but a definite minority.
Arrived in Vladivostok the end of the line & Russia sure is developed it’s north country, some of it looks pretty poor but then so does Canada’s undeveloped north.
It makes one wonder what the US & Canadian governments are scared of as rear is the only reason for lying!!
Minor plan change, it seems that Monday’s ferry to Japan has been canceled so will be taking the one to Korea that was supposed to leave this morning but now leaves tomorrow, then see what’s available to Japan from there.
Tags: Travel
Dave – you threw me off. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until the 3rd of October – glad to hear that you are doing well and everything sounds great….Happy travels!!!
Dave – I agree that unfortunately in North America many have lost the common sense of helping people and respect for your elders….my parents instilled that in us…fortunately but i see many examples of what you’re ranting about. Good on you to put it out there!
I have a friend in Hong Kong…when are you going there? and i have a friend who lives in Japan 🙂
Pero Chris it is tomorrow here LOL
Dave I am enjoying your blog very much….glad to hear that you are doing well….take care!