BootsnAll Travel Network


Well booked the Stadion hostel, the stadium for the 1952 Olympics, in Helsinki for 3 nights at a reasonable price (have to get back on  budget).

Train trips in Scandinavia were much better than Eurorail & cheaper than British rail so things looking up in that regard. Scenery much resembles the Canadian north with the same kinds of vegetation changing with the latitude however I would say more small farms here.

Spent the night in Hemi where I had a beer in the hotel bar & just  change the name of the local brands, the language & you would be in any northern Canadian bar, same type of clientele, same atmosphere. Some things don’t change, people tend to act the same in a similar environment any where I have seen.

Helsinki just another city with excellent public transportation & a nice 72 hr pass for visitors good on trams, buses & ferries.

Got to see a bit more of it than I planned on. Yep you guessed right, the St Petersburg train leaves from platform #7 on weekends NOT #10 as on week days & of course they announce where the train is going as it starts moving. So off got 1st stop, get train back to Helsinki, book on the 3 pm train & arrive St Petersburg 11 pm. Guess a being a bit careless due to checking it out the day before combined with a bit of worry about mother who is in hospital & not doing well is not a good thing.


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