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Guardian Angels & Great Kids

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

So the busman arrives in Beijing after a 48 hr train ride on the piece of crap Bombardier built train from Lhasa at 08:30 (rush hour on a Monday morning) with no hotel reservation. As warned, practically no one in Beijing speaks English, not the hotel info guys or the couple girls touting rooms) so he carries on to the monster line waiting on taxi’s.

After a bit in the queue he realises the folly of that approach as the chance of getting a driver that understands English is virtually nil. So he starts back tracking while thinking which plan “B” might-be best, as he stops to adjust his bags a young Chinese stops to offer assistance, he speaks no English but in a bit his friend who speaks very good English appears & when she is informed of the problem, takes charge asking what I want to do while in town & the price I want to pay for a room.

She then decides on a hotel that fits the bill with a central location & the 2 of them proceed to guide me to a place where a taxi can be flagged down, now this is rush hour with the temp hoovering around zero so they aren’t readily available but eventually, a couple blocks away from the station we have success.

Now these two kids have spent approximately 1/2 hr helping me & absolutely refuse any tip for doing so. Kind of restores one’s faith in humanity!!

The hotel turned out to be a Novetel & in the mid range price that I had asked for. Actually a bit more than I wanted to pay but prices in Beijing are up there & after the last couple weeks I deserve a bit of pampering + when finished with China I will be crashing on a beach some where in the Philippines for the 3 weeks allowed on a visa & saving the money I am spending here.

So once again have proven that having a bit of faith in destiny pays off  & as my Nepalese guide said “no hurry, no worry, have some more chicken curry” LOL

No updates for a while

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

Just to let all know that I am in Lhasa Tibet & won’t be updating blog until I leave China also can’t access facebook here.

“No Hurry, No Worry, Have some more chicken curry!”

Friday, October 23rd, 2009
Those words from Laxmi, my guide at The Jungle Lodge pretty much sum up the Bharatpur district of Nepal which encompasses Chitwan National Park or as an American with a house near there said on the bus ride down from ... [Continue reading this entry]

Thank you Capitol One

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

For the fourth time so far this trip my Capitol One Master Card that I carry as a backup saved the day when my fancy new BMO chip credit & debit cards “that work at any ATM in the world ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, October 19th, 2009

The biggest day is apparently today with some streets blocked off & others nearly impassible but the whole city having a grand party & they really love their fire crackers. However some are still working as I managed to submit ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, October 18th, 2009

OK once again my preconceived North American views on India proved completely erroneous!!

Firstly one can not judge India by North American standards & get an accurate reading on the country. Sure you can go staying at the 5* ... [Continue reading this entry]

On to Japan

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

As I expected Japan does not have the same atmosphere I experienced in Korea, as soon as you stepped off the ferry you could feel a different vibe. In the couple days I spent there it seems the major difference ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, October 11th, 2009
My gamble paid off, got on the 11 am bus to Busan no problem then the subway leaves from the Express Bus Station & 21 stops later get off & only a 10 min walk to the International Ferry Terminal ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, October 8th, 2009
If you want one word to describe the Korean people “polite” would without a doubt be the one! As in Panama fate has played a part in my travel plans. I had considered visiting Korea, but not very seriously, but the ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 gives an accurate description of these 2 routes + the Trans Manchurian route but it fails to tell you that no 2 people are likely to have the same experience. This is due to the fact that your ... [Continue reading this entry]